Please just listen, I don't ask for much

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"Oh fuck no, old man. You're not getting me in that kind of trouble." Came Dabi's immediate response, throwing his hands out for a moment and taking a step forward as if that would ward off whatever words were about to come out of the hero's mouth.

At the older man's annoyed expression, Dabi just shook his head and relaxed back into the ledge he'd been sitting on a moment before.

"You don't know much about how Izuku operates and it shows. I don't wanna know shit unless he tells it to me himself." He said firmly, crossing his arms over his chest. "And a word to the wise? You shouldn't go around telling his information so casually either."

Eraserhead blew out a frustrated breath and dragged his hand through his hair, brows furrowed as he glared at Dabi.

He could be as pissy as he liked but Dabi was going to stand firm on this. The last time he'd learned more than he was allowed to, the younger villain had threatened to do unspeakable things to him. And at this point in time he wasn't willing to risk the ire of Izuku.

Not even to gain the favor of his father.

And god wasn't that both a hard pill to swallow and an uncomfortable truth of their situation.

He needed to be on Eraserhead's good side if he wanted any chance of making things up to Izuku. Because whether Izuku admitted it or not, the man's approval was important to him. It was probably why he'd been acting like an angel so far.

"This is important, Dabi. It's something that will put him in danger if it ends up being true." Eraserhead ground out, fingers tightening around his capture weapon.

"And you telling me will put me in danger with him." He snorted and shook his head. "If I need to know, he'll tell me. Not a moment sooner or later."

No matter how much he wanted to know what had Aizawa so worked up, he absolutely could not break that rule. Not if he ever wanted to fix things between himself and Izuku.

Eraser rubbed his hands over his face, obviously frustrated with his refusal to let him do what he thought was necessary. Dabi had to begrudgingly respect the man for wanting to keep Izuku, a kid he'd known less than a month at his point, safe but in his haste to protect his kid he was forgetting one very important rule of the underground.

Knowledge is power, yes, but in the wrong hands it could be a weakness.

"Okay, fine. Has he told you that we're going to visit his mother soon?"

A work around, then, the man was clever enough to know that this particular subject was going to be a sore spot.

He was on his feet again in an instant, ignoring the way the hero's hair rose and his quirk activated as he got in the older man's face. Rage simmered at the forefront of his mind at the mention of that woman. And the fact that they were all dumb enough to put Izuku anywhere near her.

"Are you fucking stupid?! You absolutely cannot let him anywhere near that woman." He hissed, hands coming up to fist the man's uniform and shaking him.

If there was one person in the universe that would set the kid back right at the start and ruin every bit of progress he'd made it was that woman. Dabi didn't think that there was anyone he could hate more than his father but Inko Midoriya was a pretty damn close second.

Half of the things that came out of Izuku's mouth in those first few months made his blood boil just thinking about. Neglectful was an understatement.

"It's his idea for him to go. Looking for information only she has." Eraser monotoned, forcefully removing the younger man's hands from his person and putting space between them. "Have you ever been able to stop Izuku from doing something he set his mind to?"

Dabi grit his teeth and stalked away from the man, suddenly wishing to set things on fire. Mostly because he was right and Izuku was a menace when it came to something he was determined to do. He also didn't like how the man had backed him into a corner.

It was either let Izuku do something stupid like sitting and takling to his mother or get in trouble for letting the hero in front of him spill Izuku's secrets.

"God damn it, Eraser I hate you." He growled, turning to face him again as his fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. "Start talking."

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