2. Lefty

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"I believe you," Beomgyu giggled after Hyunwoo kept going on and on about how he was truly a nice person and Taehyun just lived to mess everything up.

Hyunwoo playfully sighed in relief and Beomgyu was a laughing mess, soon pouting since they were finally in front of the science room.

"I'll see you in a bit," Hyunwoo said, leaning in to kiss the corner of Beomgyu's lips. He gasped and held his hand up to the spot, making Hyunwoo smile. "So adorable."

He booped Beomgyu's nose and the boy huffed, although he seriously loved what just happened.

Excitedly, he entered the classroom, but everyone's eyes were on him, including the teacher's. "Are you our new student?" She asked.

"Yeah... I'm Beomgyu."

He was gestured to sit down, looking around the room and cursing to himself when the only empty seat was next to Taehyun.

Of course.

Why wouldn't he have this class with him of all people?

He reluctantly went to sit down, pulling a notebook out of his bag when the teacher said they were taking notes. After having Taehyun's arm repeatedly bump into his though, he realized he was sitting next to a lefty and this was going to be irritating.

"Before we get to the next slide, can anybody tell me what abiotic factors are?" Most students talked loudly about it until Taehyun set his pen down and raised his hand. "Mr. Kang?"

All of them looked at him in shock. He never answered questions.

"Biotic factors are the elements of an ecosystem that are alive. Bugs, plants, animals. Abiotic factors are the opposite. Water, air, and temperature are all abiotic factors. Things that are not alive. Humans are biotic but sometimes it seems like some or us are abiotic. There's no sign of intelligent life anywhere in this class other than myself and the new kid sitting next to me. Him and I both wrote down the answer to the question which I'm pretty sure is more than any of you did."

They all started yelling at him but Taehyun just had a smile on his face. The rest of the class was kind of like that. Taehyun was one of the only ones answering questions and Beomgyu couldn't help but giggle when everybody was getting angry.

And then he remembered what Hyunwoo said and stopped laughing. He felt like he should believe Hyunwoo because he was nice to him. And Taehyun was a liar. Hyunwoo wasn't a fuckboy. He was nice to Beomgyu.

When they were done answering questions and given a few minutes of freetime, Taehyun turned in his seat to face Beomgyu. "Thank you."

"For what?" Beomgyu asked, doodling on his paper instead of looking at him.

"Getting that guy in trouble. He's an asshole."

"And you're not?" Beomgyu scoffed.

Taehyun eyed him for a moment. "You believe him?"

"Why wouldn't I? He's nice to me."

"And that's an automatic reason to trust someone with popularity and a pretty face?" Beomgyu looked back at his paper. "He's only doing that because he knows someone like you will appreciate his kindness. He'll just use and humiliate you in the long run."

Beomgyu huffed. Both of them were nice to him, and both of them were saying bad things about the other one. He didn't know who to believe. Maybe Kai would know.


"No," Kai said, sitting across from him at the table with a plate of food in front of him. "Neither. Trust neither of them."


"A worst case scenario would be choosing Taehyun because he's less likely to ruin your life, but still. He's dangerous and violent."

Taehyun didn't seem dangerous and violent. And Hyunwoo didn't seem like a liar.

"Okay..." a black haired boy said, walking over to them with a clipboard. "We're starting a petition to keep the drama class because the school thinks it's a waste of money. But there are a lot of students who love it and get joy from it. So if you could sign this..."

Both of them signed it and he thanked them before walking away.

"I'll never understand how Yeonjun of all people ended up with that." Kai shook his head and Beomgyu turned to see the student hugging Yeonjun. "By that, I mean Soobin. The sweetest and hottest person in this school."

"What is he doing?"

"Doing petitions. He's captain of the soccer team, president of the student body and student council, and he's even rumored to be on the school board in general. These teachers absolutely adore him. And so do I."

"And Yeonjun apparently." They both started laughing and Beomgyu turned around again, only to be met with a hand over his eyes.

"Hey." A familiar voice said and Beomgyu giggled.

He stood up to hug Hyunwoo with a big smile on his face before they both sat down. "Hey. How were your classes?"

"Good..." Hyunwoo nodded. "What about you?"

Beomgyu frowned. "They were okay, but I had science with Taehyun and he kept lying about you." Kai rolled his eyes and continued eating his food.

"That kid." Hyunwoo shook his head and wrapped his arm around Beomgyu's shoulders. "He's always saying stupid shit. What did he say?"

"He said that you'll use me..."

Hyunwoo dramatically held a hand up to his chest and Beomgyu giggled. "I would never do such a thing. Especially not to someone as sweet and adorable as you."

Kai audibly gagged, making the other two look at him. But he just started laughing at the situation. Hyunwoo was so stupid. And poor Beomgyu was also stupid enough to believe it.

It wasn't Beomgyu's fault though. He was innocent and thought that Hyunwoo was a good person.

And Kai knew he wasn't.

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