45. LO♡ER

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*The next day*

Date: April 5th

"Lately, people have been curious," Soobin said when Beomgyu looked at him in disbelief. "Maybe it would give Taehyun closure anyway. Letting everyone know what's happened to him."


"Beomgyu," Taehyun whispered, smiling sweetly at him. "It's okay. I wouldn't mind the idea too much."

The idea was an interview on Soobin's news channel thing for the school. Multiple interviews if it went well. Taehyun was okay with the idea, while Beomgyu was not. And as much as Beomgyu didn't want him to, he knew Taehyun wouldn't listen, so he stopped protesting.

It just seemed like a bad idea to him.

"Come on. We'll film it now before first hour."

Beomgyu started walking away and Taehyun gently grabbed his hand. "Where are you going?"


"Don't you wanna come watch?" Beomgyu shook his head and Taehyun bit back everything that would let him know it hurt his feelings. "Okay... I'll see you later Hyung."

Beomgyu walked away and Soobin carefully hugged Taehyun. That was strange. They've never been physically affectionate with each other. But Taehyun turned around nonetheless and hugged him back.

"So how do we do this?" Taehyun asked, following him to the student council room.

"Kai will do the camera, and I'll ask you questions. If you don't want to answer, just say the word."

Taehyun nodded. It seemed easy enough. Although, because Beomgyu wasn't here, he felt extremely nervous.

They sat next to each other in front of the camera, and Taehyun kind of spaced out while listening to Soobin talking about other things going on at school. Soobin was talking about all the changes he was making to help everyone, and Taehyun couldn't help but to think about how brave he was.

Soobin was just... making authoritative decisions without thinking of superiors' opinions. Soobin found his own sponsors that could help pay for everything he needed. Soobin just had the help of a few other members of student council. Soobin was so cool, so brave.

Why couldn't Taehyun be as brave as him?


Beomgyu was doing some makeup work while listening to Soobin talking on the projector, not really paying much attention to it. They listened to it most days during homeroom. It wasn't until he said Taehyun's name that Beomgyu finally looked at the screen.

Taehyun looked so pretty. He smiled shyly when Soobin said his name, embarrassed since he was most likely not paying attention.

Now Beomgyu felt like shit.

"I wanna start off by asking you an important set of questions. Just so everyone gets a feel of what we're gonna be covering during our conversations. What means the least to you in this world?"

Beomgyu watched Taehyun contemplate his answer. It was easy. Taehyun's father, right?

"Pride. I've never necessarily seen a reason for it. Whether rich or poor, we're all on this planet for the same reason. To work until we die."

"And what means the most to you?"


"Who do you love most in this world?"

"Choi Beomgyu."

Everyone looked at Beomgyu who just watched the screen in awe. Even after he was a bit of a jerk, Taehyun said he loved him with no hesitation.

"How has Choi Beomgyu positively affected your life since you met him?"

"He was there for me when no one else was. There's a lot of stuff though."

Soobin smiled. "Why don't you tell us about them?"


"Mrs. Jung," Taehyun said, walking over to his teacher at the end of drama.

"Taehyun!" She said excitedly. "I saw you on the show earlier. You're not uncomfortable with having attention on you?"

He shrugged. "Not really. But I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

Taehyun really did end up wanting to sing in the play. It seemed fun.

"I can't..." he sighed. "I can't sing in the play."

Her eyes widened. "Why not? You have such a powerful voice. You showed me."

"My voice is messed up," he said. There was a little bit of raspiness in his voice, but it was mainly healed. He just couldn't sing that well, or at least, he didn't think he could. "I drank something and it messed up my vocal chords."

"What was it?"

His heart started beating harder and he shook his head. "That doesn't matter. I just can't. I'm sorry."

He felt like he disappointed her and walked away without looking at her.

When he left, he saw Beomgyu and walked over to grab his hand. "You're going to see your dad today, right?" Beomgyu asked.


This will totally be fun.

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