10. How Stubborn

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Beomgyu sat in the back of an ambulance, wincing when the paramedics safely removed the barbs from his arm. He sat there for a little bit while they did that and the guard came over.

"He wasn't doing anything wrong," Beomgyu said. "I wanted you to help him because his dad was beating him up. I didn't mean to pull you off. I was just trying to protect him."

The guard nodded. "I'm sorry then. But kid, you've got to stay away from him."

"But his dad-"

"I know. We all know he has a bad relationship with his dad. But you've seen firsthand how violent he is. I don't want you to be next."

Beomgyu looked down at his feet as the guard walked away, feeling a pang in his heart that even the security was doing nothing to help Taehyun.

"Are you okay?"

Speak of the devil.

Beomgyu nodded and leaned his forehead on Taehyun's chest who was standing behind the ambulance. "Yeah. Are you?"

"A few bruises never hurt me. You know that," he smiled softly and rubbed his cheek on the top of Beomgyu's head, making the older giggle. "Are you still sore?" Beomgyu nodded. "Come on. I'll take you home."

"What about your dad?"

"He left already. I refused to go with him until I made sure you were okay and he got bored."

"Hm... I don't wanna come back here to get my car though."

"Then I'll drive your car."

Beomgyu's eyes widened and Taehyun had a cocky grin on his face. "You can drive?"

"I can drive a car, a motorcycle, and a boat. So like... it's cool." He laughed a bit and helped Beomgyu out of the ambulance. "Can I?"

Beomgyu playfully tilted his head. "Why are you so persistent in helping me?"

"You can't drive because you got tased because you were protecting me. It only makes me required to be kind enough to take you home." Beomgyu had a huge adorable smile on his face as Taehyun helped him walk to his car, his legs still a little weak from what happened.

When Taehyun got inside, he took Beomgyu's key and started the car. Beomgyu excitedly put his seatbelt on, his face contorting in pain when he hit his elbow on the door. "Shit," he cursed, holding his arm and squeezing his eyes shut.

Taehyun frowned at him as he started driving. He felt horribly bad. Beomgyu should've just went to class like he said. "Do you want me to take care of you?" He asked, wincing when Beomgyu glared at him.

"I'm sorry." He sniffled and shook his head. "It just hurts."

"And now I'm the one who's sorry."

"For what?!" He asked in frustration.

"Being the reason you got hurt."

Beomgyu's eyes widened and he shook his head angrily. "I pulled a cop off of you! How is it any more of your fault than mine?!"

"Because you were defending me. You got hurt defending me."

Beomgyu looked down, taking a deep breath to calm himself a little bit. "I tried telling him to help you, but he just took it as me saying you were in a fight. It's my fault he came to you in the first place."

Taehyun stopped talking when he realized Beomgyu wasn't gonna let him win.

How stubborn.

When they got to his house, Taehyun got out to help Beomgyu up to the door. "Do you need to get back before your dad gets mad?"

Taehyun shook his head. "He doesn't come looking for me if I'm out. He just waits until I get back to do something." He sighed. "I don't wanna walk back to get my bike."

"Then you can just stay here until I'm okay to drive you back to the school." He turned to enter the house, having Taehyun help him upstairs to his room. "Thank you."

"Of course." Taehyun looked around the small white room, the only things inside being a double bed, a throw rug, and a desk with a computer and garbage on it.

Beomgyu sighed when he saw Taehyun looking. "I know. My room is a pigsty."

Taehyun just playfully rolled his eyes and cleaned up the mess on the desk before sitting down. "We really have to work on that science project. It's due in three days and we've had a month to work on it."

"Well I got some of it done," Beomgyu said, opening his laptop and going to Google. "I did do it on the Savanna. Come see."

Curious, Taehyun walked over to look at it, shocked at how much of it he had actually gotten done. "I suddenly feel useless," he said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Don't. We barely talked to be able to work on it. It's my fault. We'll both get credit."

Again, there was no way out of it and Taehyun sighed.

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