25. Everything is Stupid

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Date: February 11th

"Taehyun, my mom told me something," Beomgyu said, sitting next to him at lunch. Taehyun had in school suspension all week for skipping Monday, which was annoying because they didn't give Beomgyu one.

It was favoritism at it's finest.

"What is it?"

"We're going on a trip until April 19th... but they said it's just a family thing."

Taehyun's eyes widened. "So... wait, that's a long time. Where are you going?"

"America. I don't know why. They've just been planning this vacation for a while." Taehyun looked sad and Beomgyu's heart broke. "But you can stay in our house. And I'll videocall you every day and text you all the time, okay?"

Taehyun nodded, leaning into Beomgyu's hug with an obvious frown still on his face.

*Later that day*

"Taehyun, where's my hoodie?" Beomgyu asked, walking out of his closet to see Taehyun wrapped in his oversized grey hoodie.

"I don't know..."

Beomgyu sighed and walked over to kiss Taehyun's forehead. "It'll be okay. I promise it'll be okay. Can I have my hoodie back?"


"Eh it was worth a shot."

He started closing his multiple suit cases and Taehyun watched with the biggest pout on his face ever.

This was so stupid.

Everything about it was stupid.

At 9 p.m., just five hours from now, Beomgyu was getting on a plane to New York for no reason. No reason at all.

When his mom yelled that the cars were here, Taehyun helped Beomgyu bring his stuff downstairs and shove it in the trunk of the car.

"So you'll come with us to the airport and take a cab home?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun nodded and got inside with him, on the verge of crying on the entire way there. It wasn't like Beomgyu was leaving forever. Just a little over two months. It shouldn't have been hurting Taehyun as much as it was.

But there was a valid reason. Beomgyu was the only person in his life who wasn't horrible to him, and he was leaving. It sucked. He knew they would call and text all the time, but it still sucked.

Beomgyu would arrive there at 11 a.m. for Taehyun, and 10 p.m. for them. The time difference would be the worst thing, but Beomgyu said they would make it work. People always make it work.

They got to the airport and Taehyun grumpily helped carry stuff again. "The employees got it from here," he said, watching his stuff get taken away on a cart. And then he looked at Taehyun who was staring down at his feet. "Tae, what's the matter?"

"Hm," Taehyun hummed in a way that said "leave me alone", but come on. This is Beomgyu we're talking about.

"Tae." Taehyun shook his head. "Taehyun..." this time, Taehyun didn't even do anything. "Sweetheart, look at me."

Taehyun finally looked up at him with watery eyes and Beomgyu pulled him into his arms. "Stop. I don't wanna make you sad," Taehyun hicupped, but the way he buried his face in Beomgyu's neck was the definition of him needing comfort.

"I'm already sad. I hate that I have to leave you here. But it's only for a little bit." He kissed Taehyun on the cheek and the boy just started crying harder, leading to people around them staring in concern. "Hey, remember..." he pulled away and held Taehyun's hands up to his face, trying to shush his boyfriend to get him to calm his breathing. "You have most of my stuff. You'll be in my room. You can see all my pictures and cuddle with my stuffed animals at night, right?"

Taehyun whimpered. "But it's not the same."

"I know. I know Tae. But I have the necklace too." He pulled it out from under his shirt and kissed the pendant. "No matter how far apart we are, we'll always be binded by the necklace, okay? The A and A couple." He smiled through his own tears and kissed Taehyun who was still shakily breathing. "I love you," he whispered, leaning his forehead on Taehyun's. "You know that. You always have to remember that, okay?"

Taehyun nodded and hugged him tightly, finally responding to something without crying. "I'm gonna miss you." The shake in his voice was still there and the first tear rolled down Beomgyu's cheek. "Please don't find another boyfriend while you're there."

Beomgyu's eyes widened and he pulled away from the hug to look at him. "You think I'm going to America to find someone else?!"

"No!" Taehyun defended and Beomgyu giggled. "Just... if you find someone who's taller than me and stronger than me-"

"Don't." Beomgyu placed a finger to his lips. "Don't even think that. You're the only person for me, okay? If those American boys want me then they can just fuck off."

Taehyun smirked. "Good boy."

"Aish," Beomgyu groaned and playfully shoved his chest. "You're gross."

"And you have a plane to catch."

Beomgyu looked up the escalator at his parents who were impatiently waving at him and gasped. "Oh shit. I do." Taehyun giggled and Beomgyu hurriedly kissed him. "I love you. Be safe. Don't get into any fights."

"I love you too," Taehyun continued laughing and watched him clumsily run up the escalator. "Wait!" Beomgyu turned around at the top. "One more kiss goodbye?"

Beomgyu's parents loved Taehyun, but damn he was being a nuisance right now. Beomgyu giggled and ran down the escalator, jumping into Taehyun's arms and peppering kisses all over the blonde's face.

"Is that enough?" He asked out of breath.

"Hm..." Beomgyu playfully rolled his eyes, his knees completely bent as he hung from Taehyun's neck. "One more."

Smiling, Beomgyu leaned in to kiss his lips. It was nothing more than a little peck that lasted for about four seconds, but it was enough for Taehyun to finally let Beomgyu go.

A/N: The time difference will seem scary. But I wrote a texting story where one of them lived in London and the other one lived in Seoul. I know how to do this lol.

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