X - Great Conspiracies

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Michael and Luke were already there, helping me with the bags.

"Thank gods, you're here," Michael sighed in relief, mirroring me.

"I know."

We all had our arms full and went inside the house to the kitchen to eat. We were all kinda silent for a while as we dug through the food. I was right. Luke's also a big eater. Good thing I bought extras.

Then I remember.

"Uh, Luke?"

"Hm?" He looked over while devouring a Big Mac.

"I kinda told Irwin something," I was nervous.

"About what?"

"Remember in Bio Engineering? He kept asking who my boyfriend was?"

"Yeah, but you don't really have a boyfriend, do you?"

"That's the thing, I can't tell him that I don't have one and while in the car, he pushed me for details.." I dragged, scared to tell him.


"I told him you were my boyfriend."

I watched him as he almost spat his big mac, I felt bad for him but his reaction was priceless I just had to laugh. Michael did, too.

We laughed at him until he realized he looked ridiculous and laughed, too. When the laughter died down I felt scared again.

He regained composure and was smiling, I don't know, bitterly? What's wrong?

"Didn't know you were my girlfriend, Cass," he smiles like he's going to say I should clear up the thing with Ashton then I see a hint of decision in his eyes, like he finally realized something. He smiles up at me like I just did him a favor.

"Wait, this is perfect! Maybe, she'll at least.." then he falters, then ends up whispering things to himself. Is he crazy? What the hell's he talking about?

I glance at Michael and he's looking intently at Luke, like he's also figuring out what he's blabbering about.

"Is it really okay? I just got cornered and I can say you're not really my boyfriend, Luke."

"No, it's perfect, Cass. You owe me," he smiles widely.

"This won't make Cara jealous, Luke."

I was shocked at Michael's remark, wondering about what he's talking about. Then I look at Luke and find out that Michael just hit the bull's eye. Luke's jaw was open in shock, eyes shining with evident regret. He looked down.

Luke likes Cara?

"Hold up, seems like you guys have some explaining to do," I demanded.

Luke continued to look down in embarrassment while Michael took a bite on his Big Mac and proceeded to tell me.

"You know when you were freshmen--" Michael started but Luke cut him off.

"I like Cara, even then. I let her copy off my quizzes and homeworks because in return, she smiles at me, she's nice to me. She treats me differently unlike how she treats other nerds. I thought she liked me, too."

Even before Luke finished his story, I already knew. And I watched him tell me his heartbreak. I immediately felt bad for him.

"One day, I decided to confess to her, all the while thinking that she miraculously likes me back, she said I give her time," he smiles fondly, lost in the memory. "I almost had her, see, I had her thinking about us, I had hope. I had a chance."

His face grew solemn, angry, even. "Then, news about you and Calum breaking up spread like wildfire. At the same time of your secret, your rich secret. Cara disregarded me, because according to her, 'Calum notices and loves her now'. She's going to mend his heart, she said."

I put my arms around his shoulder while he was close to tears, "Who's going to mend mine?"

Glancing at Michael, I see anger in his eyes. He probably knows about this because it has something to do with me and Calum back then. He had acted as some sort of lookout for me back then.

"Have they been together since then? Calum and Cara?" I curiously asked.

"No, Calum went girl after girl, leaving a trail of broken hearts in his path. Cliché but true. He started seeing different girls at the same time. He's changed after you left," Michael explained.

"But still Cara would worship the guy like he's a god. He's a fucking player. He's just good-looking, nothing more," Luke remarked.

I felt the need to defend Calum but from what they say it seemed like he really did change. Nothing like the Calum I loved. Still, I felt a sudden feeling of loathing towards Cara. How could she break Luke's heart? He's such a nice guy. I remember him vaguely back then, always been a nice boy. Maybe a bit geeky but he was so much better than the jocks and douches around.

"Hey, you're good-looking, too, Luke. Don't be so down. I'll help you," a plan starts to form in my head. A win-win plan.

Luke and Michael went to look at me, wondering.

"You know, Luke. You can be a hot guy with the right hairstyle," I brush my hands against his weird fringe, which is the one ultimate thing that makes him look geeky. "And the right clothes."

"I don't know anything about hairstyles and clothes," he says.

"What am I chopped liver?" I gestured to myself. "Leave that to me. We'll make Cara jealous. We'll make her want you. We'll make her see what she lost."

Make her leave Calum alone. I wanted to add.

Watching Luke's blue eyes sparkle in the hope of our plan, I felt I was doing the right thing. But one look at Michael, him knowing my motive under this stunt, I suddenly felt guilty. But he knows: it's win-win for all of us.

We never got to play that night. We just grew lazy to take out and set up all the equipment so we ended up playing Michael's video games, some Mario Kart and trivia crack, Luke called up his mum to tell her he's sleeping over. Fortunately, things went well and we almost stayed up all night just having fun. We did play some acoustics though, and I gotta say, Luke can sing. Really sing.

He sounds so well and confident on his guitar and he even wrote wonderful songs. Songs about Cara, I assume. Past midnight I bid my goodnights and went up my room, leaving the two of them bossing each other who gets the turn to play.

I laid restless in my bed. Oddly excited by the fact that we'll make over Luke up for Cara. Honestly, I think he deserves someone better than Cara. But I see the sparkle in his beautiful blue eyes and maybe, she's all he wants right now. I hope the right girl comes for him soon enough. He deserves to be happy.

I close my eyes to the thought of Calum and me, finally in each other's arms again. A bitter smile on my lips at the improbability of the thing to happen with the current circumstances. Still, I dreamt of him. Of us.

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