XVII - Off the Hook

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I was so drained by the end of the week that I just had to go relax and take myself away from all the drama in school.

Well, Luke and I stopped 'dating', that's one. We can't continue pretending when Calum already knew. Luke also wanted out, saying he didn't want to be cheating on me even though it was all pretend. He keeps texting Cara these days and this somehow makes me believe what Calum always tells me. Maybe Cara was just a hookup, just longer than his others.

The whole university, thankfully didn't really talk about the whole 'breakup' thing. They didn't really know what was up between me and Luke - only that we're too close with each other - but since I told Cara that we were together, I also had to tell her we broke up - she kept pestering us - and I hated to see the happiness in Cara's face when Luke confirmed it on BioEngineering. I hated the way I'm getting so much attention even though I'm just a few weeks back to this school, but I guess dating and breaking up with someone as hot as Luke is now is really worth the gossip.

Hopefully the news about the so-called breakup wouldn't reach Ashton Irwin and I can just go on with mylife with him thinking Luke and I were still a thing. Just so he'd back off. I tried my best to avoid any contact with Mr. Red Bandanna, only walking around school with either Michael or Luke - of course, we're still friends, it brings more gossip, but I don't really care - or both of them so they can protect me from the bandana guy I loathed so much. He still creeps me out with what he said last time we talked.

All week long, I refused to talk to Calum, ignoring his texts and calls as much as possible even though that Monday night dinner with him and Michael went surprisingly well. I cooked some meatballs and lasagna and all throughout the meal, they were talking casually and even cracking up jokes. I almost forgot that he and Michael get along really well when we were still together, it was really nice that there was, at least, a little friendship left between them. There was no talk of relationships or Luke or Cara and I was thankful for that. I actually slept with a smile on my face that night.

As soon as the bell rang, I'm off my seat, trudging to my mustang - which I got like days ago and been driving for days now - and driving to my favorite place.

I pushed my way inside the cafe, immediately crashing in my favorite seat.

"Jules, I need some stress reliever," I groan and I heard a gasp from across the counter. Julie hasn't seen me and was probably shocke to hear my voice.

"Cass! I didn't see you there, quite a busy afternoon for the cafe, you know. I'm drowning in orders, do you mind if I finish them off, first?" she smiles down at me, not taking her hands off the coffee machine.

"Sure, take your time. I just want some latte and a few dozen donuts," I say, cracking my neck and relaxing into the seat.

"Few dozen, huh? Stressed, I see," she raises her eyebrows before going back to doing what she was doing.

I leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes, the cafè's smell and ambience slowly taking my senses and calming me. Breathe, Casandra.

A few minutes more and I was sipping a green tea latte, not chocolate, for a change. I speared through the chocolate donut and sighed as I munched on it.

"Your baking is the best,  Jules," referring to her donuts. This cafè is actually property of Julie's parents and she's trying to manage this branch now, including preparing the coffee and baking the donuts and other cakes. It's all in preparation with her taking over the whole franchise. It all fit in though, Julie always wanted to be a coffee barista, not to mention her love of baking.

I actually find it awesome how she's able to balance her studies while taking care of this coffee shop. I know she has someone helping her but I don't think I can handle it if it was me. I wonder if she ever gets sleep, since she's also on her third year of college, in an art school just a little off town.

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