XXII - Overly Shattered Hearts

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My Song's Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy


I thought my day was going smooth and maybe, it would actually not be the dreary Mondays I used to have. But walking into BioEngineering, I felt the happiness that had somehow stayed inside me for days since the weekend slowly left my body.

The scene unfolding in front of me was something I thought I would never see again, judging from Calum's behavior the past weekend but I guess I was wrong. I almost thought things were gonna start getting better but as Calum basically ate off Cara's face in their seats, I was proven wrong. So wrong.

I wanted to scream at them, at Calum, but I bit my tongue. I would handle this better than I did last time. Making sure none of my emotions were seen in my face, I walk in with my head high.

Careful to disturb the couple on their unappealing display of too much affection, I sat on my usual seat with Luke. I greeted him with a wide smile, a bit sidetracked since I haven't seen him all weekend. His eyes were looking far away, almost glassy. Then I realize, Cara.

For the nth time I felt an unbelievable urge to strangle Cara. Luke had happily texted me in the weekend that he thought he was having progress over his Cara issue then I see this. Seems that I don't like what's happening just because I'm jealous. To hell with jealousy. To hell with Calum, he can go fuck any girl he wants. I'm more angry at Cara for leading Luke on. Again.

I was hurt, maybe way beyond hurt, I felt betrayed. I felt lied on. Was everything back in his house a show? Just for his parents? I grimace in annoyance. Like I said, to fucking hell with him.

My hand quickly rested on Luke's shoulder, giving it an understanding squeeze. He holds my hand on his shoulder, squeezing back, smiling to me yet it didn't reach his eyes.

I'll fucking kill Cara for this. She can go mess up whatever relationship I have with Calum - since I still strongly believe I brought it upon myself - but she messes up with Luke and I certainly won't let that go easily. My blood boils and my nose flares at the thought of her casually making out with her boyfriend - who, by the way, refuses to call her his girlfriend - while knowing Luke was in front of them.

My eyes suddenly flew to the door when I saw a familiar figure. Wanna play who gets more jealous? Two can play that game.

"Ashton!" I raise my hand as he acknowledges me. Ashton smirks and he glances on the couple behind us, obviously still eating each other's face off, he raises his eyebrows but shrugs.

"Why don't you sit here today?" I tell him as he approached me, motioning to the always vacant seat beside me.

He looks at me skeptically but I smile sweetly, maybe too sweetly, making sure the couple behind us can see - if they weren't too busy with each other's mouths.


Luke looks over to me, his eyes full of warning. I just smiled at him and gave him a gesture that meant I can handle this. Ashton sits beside me and I face him.

"Thanks for the jacket, by the way, it kept me warm the whole day," I say, adding sincerity to my voice since the jacket really did me good today.

"I told you it's okay," he was looking at me like he was figuring out what I was doing. He knew something was up. He was a keen observer, I give him that.

"Do you wanna hang out with me and Luke, later?" I suddenly ask, a thought forming in my head, everything quickly falling into place.

"Where to?" He says lazily, leaning back on his seat.

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