XIV - No Moments

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Entering BioEngineering that afternoon felt a lot like the first day. I'm starting to dread Mondays and Wednesdays - the days I have this class - and I love Wednesdays. This is so bad. Professor Hoffman, Ashton Irwin, Cara Clinton and Calum Hood together in one classroom is my nightmare.

The only sliver of hope that I'll be able to live through this class is Luke. We silently walk inside, after parting ways with Michael, our hands intertwined. Funny but physical contact came easy with Luke, it felt comfortable. What Michael said in the advanced class this morning continued to bug me as I look down on our fingers. Does he like me? I pray not because Luke feels like Michael, comfortable and just so fun to be with, I wouldn't want anything more or anything that might come between that.

We sat in our usual seat, feeling everyone's eyes on us. Well, I feel Irwin's gaze somewhere on my left, Calum's and Cara's in front of us and most of the girls gaping at Luke.

I squeeze his hand gently, feeling a little bit proud, Yep, he's my boyfriend. Take that you sissies.

He smiles down on me and sets his backpack on the floor.

We talked about things while waiting for Sir Hoffman. It was partly for show - well, to make Cara jealous, to make Calum jealous, to make Ashton Irwin back off - but nevertheless, talking to Luke was fun. Effortless. Natural.

I was giggling at him while he blushes as I tease him as a punk rock penguin lover when we heard someone clear her throat behind us.

"I didn't know you were together," Cara starts as we look over, her usual bubbly smile gone - for once, thank gods - and eyes staring straight at Luke and I's hands intertwined on Luke's desk.

I internally rejoice, and I know Luke is, too. This was what we wanted to happen. For Cara to notice what she threw away.

"Well, we are," I laugh softly, looking up lovingly at Luke. He smiles down to me, though I see his lips slightly shaking. I squeeze his hand. You can do this.

I see Cara swallow, "Um, Luke, wow."

I was trying to hold back laughter. Take that, Cara.

Luke shifts, and smirks - he fucking knows what he's doing, "Oh, thanks, I guess."

I bit my lip as I saw Cara's eyes widen infinitesimally at the sight of Luke's smirk.

This is so fun, oh gods. I'm cackling inside.

"You look hot, honestly," Cara blinks, unable to keep her thoughts to herself anymore. My eyes jerk up to Calum, who looks so pissed. He nudges Cara, who looks like she just remembered Calum's presence. She blushed and looked down. "Sorry."

Luke and I looked away and face the board, our eyes dancing with glee. The plan's working just fine. He nudges my shoulder, biting his lip, fighting a huge grin and I nudge him, too.

Professor Hoffman enters in just a few, straight going on about facts and stuff about Engineering that I supposedly need to know.

Luke whispers to me, "You're the angel, Cass. When you came, good things started happening to me."

I looked up to him in a bit of awe, and much to my surprise and his mischief, he winked at me before smirking and looking over to the front of the class, a smile playing along the corner of his lips.


Luke excused himself after class because he's called on for a meeting for the Mathletes, it's a mathematics club or something. I giggled at his nerdy-ness after the whole day of looking so badass. He also said he'll be riding home with Liz so Michael and I shouldn't wait for him.

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