XX - Unusual Accomplices

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"I know you and Calum had broken up and he's with Cara. So what's this?"

Even in her angry self, nose flaring and eyes burning with controlled fury, I adored her. Malikoa Hood has always been someone I looked up to. And I felt so upset about myself because I did something to make her mad at me.

I stared at her, contemplating. Then, I knew what to do.

"You wanna know what's up?" I said, my voice surprisingly sounding brave.

"Yes, don't beat around the bush. I don't like you and Calum lying to my parents like this," she said, her voice lowering a little. I know her sudden anger was just for show. Mali and I had been close, too, back then, always giving me styling tips, trying to get me to shop new clothes. At this moment I realize how wrapped I was around Calum's family.

"It's a long story but Joy wants us back in there soon," I looked over to the door, wanting to see if someone has gone looking for us. "I'd tell you, but how?"

She pursed her lips in thought, "I know! Stay the night here!" She gushes, all the anger gone. She realizes this and blushes, lowers her arms, which she raised instinctively on her little happy outburst. She composed herself, "Sleep in my room. I also, uhh, missed hanging out with you."

I smile up at her, "Sure, I guess. Go in, I'll just call people up to say I'm staying here."

She bit her lip again as she looked down, then in a swift motion, she hugged me tight. "I missed you, Cassie."

The initial shock left and I hugged back, my arms encircling around her.

"I missed you, too, Malikoa-la," then I giggle.

She pulls away with a small pout on her face. "As much as I don't want to admit it, I also did miss you calling me that." We broke away and she smiles before opening the door and pushing her way back inside.

I call Mikey up to tell him the house was all his for the night. Everything went fine, not as if Mikey would prohibit me, he's not my dad. Ha. But he did tell me to be careful and stuff, kid thinks he's my dad, pfft. Still, I think me staying here was rather convenient for him, he's currently in some kind of bar and now that he knows the house will be empty, he won't need to find a motel or something.

I finished the call after telling him not to cause a big mess in the house.


"You're staying?"

Calum says as soon as I enter the house after the phone call. He was the one in the kitchen now, eyes visibly sparkling in glee.

I nod, "I'll be sleeping with Mali. Like the usual."

He looked surprise. "Mali's room? But doesn't she..." he shook his head, faltering. "Nevermind. Why not in my room?"

"Because we aren't really together, Calum. And I don't want to sleep in the same room as you."

"Ouch," he clutched his chest playfully like he was hurting, wincing his face. "That hurt."

"It's the truth, sorry," I smile apologetically.

"You don't mean that," he smiled, still looking like he won the lottery.

"How so?"

"Your kisses always tell otherwise."

I fought hard not to gasp, instead I shrug, batting my eyelashes in his direction, deliberately biting my lip. "You're a great kisser. It's irresistible. But that's all it is."

My whole being internally rejoiced as I saw him take a sharp breath, lips trembling slightly, as he was taken aback by my words. Point for me. Ha.

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