XIX - Wedding Plans x Clingy Moms

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"So are you kids planning on getting married soon?"

I almost spat the pasta I was currently devouring when Joy suddenly opens up. We were seated in their dining table eating lunch, Uncle David and Joy on the other ends of the table, Calum and I seated beside each other and Mali in front of Calum.

There was casual banter, everything going smoothly, until Joy brings this up.

"M-marriage?" I stutter, looking over at Calum who seemed as shock as I was - but he was handling the situation better than I was. He was smiling again and takes me hand on the table and intertwines his fingers on mine. I stare at him, wide-eyed.

"Mom, don't scare her like that," he laughs - it's unbelievable how loose and carefree he behaves around his family. He doesn't look like a fuckboy, he looks like...him. He squeezes my hand and I look over to Joy.

Joy laughs loudly, all the while looking at our linked hands, "Oh, you know, the two of you might as well get married now! We all know you'll be together in the long run!"

I blush, looking down shyly - and regretfully. If only she knew.

"Mom, I'll be sure to tell you when I ask her so just chill for now," he laughs at his mom and I can't believe he's actually making Joy believe that we're still happily together.

Joy gushes excitedly, and I can't help but smile, she's always been supportive on our relationship. I've been so close to her and she, to me. She almost felt like a mom to me. "What will be the theme of your wedding?"

"Mom," Mali smiles as she castigates her overly excited mom, then flashed Calum a death glare. Maybe she knows we're not really together.

"Sorry, Cass. I'm just so happy that you're back," she says in dismissal and goes on to eat her pasta.

I nod in understanding and finish my meal, too. Tentatively taking my hand away from Calum's.

After lunch, Calum and I decided to hang out in their backyard before going back to our project upstairs. Their house has some kind of veranda so we stayed there for the meantime, breathing in the nice, cool afternoon Sydney breeze. The sun was high up the sky but the cool breeze made up for the heat. It was such a nice weather.

We sat beside each other, our backs against the wall and watched the trees from afar sway as the breeze picks up. We didn't talk, for a while, only silence and some chirping of birds on the nearby trees. It was peaceful and wonderful.

I refused to say anything, still puzzled with his cheery - not to mention sweet - behavior. I didn't want to ruin it by saying the wrong things, I wanted to just enjoy being with this somehow laid back version of him.

"I've always wanted a house beside a forest and a beach," he starts, his eye not leaving the trees in the distance. Maybe his mother talking about marriage made him talk about this. Will Cara like a beach house?

"A beach house? That's cool," I commented, imagining the thought. Yeah, it would be cool. A short walk down and you're in the beach and on the other way, to the forest.

"Really, you'd love that, too?" his eyebrow perks up.

"Um, yeah?" I answer hesitantly.

"I knew you'd love it," he exhales and adjusts into a better position on his seat.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, dummy. Because it'd be our house," he smirks down to me and seems to enjoy the shock in my face.

I scoff, "Don't be ridiculous. Do you think Cara would like a beach house?" I knew now how to aggaravate and distract him, talk about Cara. It always sidetracks him. And right now, even though I don't really want him to get mad, I can't just carry on with the topic he's chosen.

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