XVIII - 'You're Here Now'

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I tried so hard not to be excited for that day because when I get excited, things end badly. So I grumpily went out of bed, lazily walking to the bathroom but the smile on my face refused to go away.

I dressed in simple denim jeans and a loose white tattered blouse. Let my hair stay as it is, well, I can't do anything with it since it's so short, duh. I applied some powder and a cute shade of pink lipgloss on my lips. I took my backpack with our project's files and my laptop and headed out the room.

As I went down the kitchen I immediately set to cook some breakfast for me and brunch for Michael later since it's a Saturday and he'd be sleeping 'til noon. I made myself omelets and saved some for Michael, too, for his breakfast and prepared some easy heat beef steak that he'd just heat in the oven for lunch.

After cooking I horked down my breakfast and got some stationary next to the landline and scribbled a little note for Michael to see later. I took one last look to see if everything's in place then I went out, locking the door.

After texting Calum quick that I'm almost on my way, I revved the engine. You still have no name. I thought to my car. I don't usually take a lot of time naming my cars but this one's special and something tells me a name will come up soon.

I took my time driving the mustang to the familiar road to Calum's house. It's a little bit early, just half past nine, so I had a lot of time. Besides, I don't want him to think I'm excited - even though I really am.

Silently, I pulled over their driveway and turned off the engine. As I went off the car, I saw Calum almost stumbling out of their house. I looked at him and he composed himself, mildly blushing. Was he waiting for me?

I smiled slyly and cocked my head to the side, "Morning, Hood."

"I told you to come early. Come on," he offered his hand and I stared at it, slowly putting my hand in his. He led me through the doors and I was faced with the whole Hood family.

Swallowing nervously, I forced a smile on my frozen face. I need to remind myself that his family doesn't know that we've broken up, that I've left him.

"Casandra! Oh, child, you're back! Look at you, you're so pretty!" Joy gushes as she approaches me and crushes me in a hug. I let go of Calum's hand and hugged Joy back.

Instantly, I felt comfortable.

"Yeah, I missed you, Joy," I smiled widely, and looked over to Cal's dad, Uncle David and Mali sitting by the living room. "Hi, Uncle! Mali, I missed you guys."

Uncle smiled back as he waved, going back to watching the news and Mali did, too, then she turned to stare at Calum, them siblings having this silent conversation through the eyes.

"We'll be upstairs, mom. Just call us and stuff when you need anything," Cal scoops up my hand from my side again and leads me up the stairs, to his room.

"I'll call you when lunch is ready, okay?" Joy shouts as we trudged up the stairs. I wanted to stay a bit longer, wanting to be surrounded by Joy's cheery presence, but Calum's grip was tight.

All this time, I expected his room to be different. I expected him to even change his entire room, because his room screamed us. But as he opened the same room in tha farthest end of the hallway, I took a tentative step beside him and carefully glanced inside.

He never changed it. He never changed one inch of it. It still screamed of our love. The photos, the guitars, even the paint. I couldn't conjure up him sleeping here, broken, as he was surrounded by memories of us. I took another step inside, much like stepping inside a museum. We've spent most of our together time here, in his room, since I never let him go to my house.

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