Chapter Two: Lambo and the Caged Boy, the Thief, and the Swordman!

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Lambo wandered the town for several minutes, finding absolutely nobody around. The streets were empty, the square was empty, hell, Lambo entered several houses to find them, yep, empty!

The entire town was abandoned.

"Did the Boss seriously left me in a ghost town by accident?", Lambo deadpans with a gloomy aura surrounding him, "I thought he out grew that because of Reborn's training."

It was then Lambo's ears picked up the sound of cheering and roars of none other than pirates. Lambo sweat dropped.

"Didn't the Boss say pirates never come her except for short supply stops?", Lambo deadpanned.

For a moment, Lambo was about to turn around and walk away and message Tsuna to drop him off at a different island because of the pirates. But something stopped him, a feeling deep within his gut. Telling him to go to the source, to where the pirates are.

But why would he do that? Didn't he promised not to get into any trouble? Lambo thinks, eyes sliding to the direction the familiar sounds of chaos resonated from.

Lambo sighs, "Yare yare, curiosity kills the cat. Let's just hope that the saying is true when it said that satisfaction brought it back."

He turns around and makes his way to the pirates, adding extra speed to his steps. Lambo didn't promise on whether or not he'd watch whatever is going on.


Lambo stood on a rooftop not too far from the chaos happening below. In fact, on his way there, he saw a large path of destruction. It didn't take much for Lambo to deduce that whatever kind of canon ball that is inside that canon, was what caused all that destruction back in town. Now he knows why the town was deserted. The people left out of fear of the Pirates that moved in.

Despite Lambo wondering how all that destruction was caused by a single canon, he quickly grew to accept it. I mean, he has Dying Will Flames that allow him to control lightning and not get hurt by lightning and other electric bursts.

Scattered across the roof top pirates, all dressed like clowns? Their Captain most of all. With an orange coat draped across his shoulders and Captain hat, blue hair, a big red nose, white gloves, and cross bones tattooed on his forehead. With the pirates was a girl that didn't seem to fit in with the rest, wearing a white shirt with blue stripes, a short orange skirt, ankle brown boots, and short orange hair. She didn't look that much older than Lambo, three maybe four years if he's pushing it.

The pirates were all screaming the word 'fire!' as they peer pressured the to fire the destructive canon Lambo took note of earlier, that is aimed at a boy tied up and trapped in a cage, wearing a distinct straw hat.

Lambo can easily guess what's going, of course missing few key points and minor details, but he got the gist.

She seemed to be frozen and thinking on what to do.

Lambo sighs, "This is what happens when you throw it in with a bunch of dirty pirates."

His half-lidded eyes stared emotionlessly, waiting to see what the girl would do, not yet ready to pop in. He has a promise to keep.

The mafioso watched as a pirate wearing a weird hat snatch something from the girl's hands, mostly likely the box of matches and kneeled by the canon, about to light the fuse.

But before he could, the girl pulled out tree wooden shafts, putting them together to create a long staff. With a determined look, the girl swung the staff a knocked the pirate into the ground.

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