Chapter Four: Meeting the Heartless Brothers! Zoro vs Acrobat Kabaji!

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Luffy squeezes tightly on to Buggy's hand with no mercy.

"I'm here to kick your ass, just like I promised Buggy.", Luffy confidently said.

Buggy visibly struggles as he tries to recall his hand back to his arm. Lambo stood diligently next to Zoro and Nami, slouching over, looking bored and lazy as ever, if it weren't for the anger glint and hardness in his eyes, people would think he didn't give a damn and was just there for the sake of it or out of boredom.

Luffy finally let go of Buggy's hand, letting the limb fly back to its owner.

"Damn you, Straw Hat!", Buggy curses at Luffy angrily.

Looking down at the coughing mayor, Lambo was pleased to see him still alive with only bruises and a sore throat to show as his only injuries.

Buggy growls at how unaffected Luffy is by his threats and anger.

"How dare you!", Buggy shouts down towards the group, "You can't just waltz up to me and treat me like this! I'M CAPTAIN BUGGY AND I WON'T STAND FOR IT!!!"

"E mi hanno chiamato un piagnucolone.", Lambo mutters under his breath in Italian. (And the guys called me a crybaby)

"Listen to me, all I want is the chart and the treasure then I'm out of here. You got it.", Nami said pointing at Lambo and Zoro pointedly (no pun intended).

"Yeah, I got it.", Zoro said unbothered by her tone.

Lambo held up an 'ok' sign to show his understanding.

"Get out of here. Why'd yah follow me?", the mayor said weakly, drawing the teenagers' attention back to him, "Your outsiders, leave this to me."

Lambo sweat dropped at the man's stubbornness. 'If we left yah, you'd be dead already.'

"This is my fight.", the mayor persisted, "I need to be the one to protect my town."

The mayor grabbed his spear and shakily, but determinedly, got back to his feet. Ready to fight and defeat Buggy at any cost. Even if it's his own life.

Something Lambo doesn't quite understand. Why would someone do that? He understands the concept of treasure and how important people's treasures are to them? But willing to fight to the death, isn't something he understands.

"Buggy is my fight!!", the mayor screams.

Luffy slammed the mayor's head against the side of one of the still standing buildings, knocking him out brutally.

Nami gaped in surprise while Lambo just face palmed. Might've been a little too rough on the geezer Luffy.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?!?", Nami screeches with sharp teeth, "Why'd you knock out the mayor!?"

Luffy turns with an innocent smile, "Because."

"Not a bad idea.", Zoro agreed, "If the old man continued to fight, he would've died."

Lambo just rolled his eyes at Luffy's childish answer.

"Signore, aiutami.", Lambo groans, "Sono stato costretto a unirsi a una squadra pirata con un bambino per un capitano."

(Lord help me. I've been forced to join a pirate crew with a child for a captain.)

The swordsman stares at the unconscious body of the mayor, "It's for the best."

While Nami was yelling at Luffy, Zoro curiously turns to Lambo.

"Hey, what language was that by the way?"

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