Chapter Thirty: The Fall of Arlong Park! Enter the Arcobaleno Reborn!

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Slowly, a small ship approached the island where Cocoyashi and Arlong Park are located. The figure stood calmly at the head of the ship, hands in his pockets, tie flying in the wind, head tilted down so that the fedora he wore casted a dark shadow over his face.

The island was still a fair distance, but it was within sight, and with the strong wind the is currently filling his sails, there is no doubt that he will make it by midday tomorrow at very least, or the next evening at the very most.

But despite the large distance between the ship and island, the figure could still clearly see the large dust clouds and damage being inflicted upon the once grand Arlong Park.

"Hmm, looks like there's trouble.", the figure stated softly, his voice deep, "And where there's trouble...."

The figure raised his hat to reveal dark eyes staring determinedly at the island ahead. His search soon to be over.

"There's a stupid cow."

Reborn walked to the sails, adjusting them in order to catch more wind, increasing his ship's speed. He is so close now. Reborn just has to make it there before the stupid cow leaves.

"Almost there."


(3 Days Earlier)

Lambo came too with a jolt, blinking in confusion as he tried to remember how he got where he was. With a quick scan of his surroundings, noting the rocky terrain he was laying on, Lambo was quick to remember what had happen and where he was.


"Zoro! Lambo!'" Luffy shouts, suddenly stretching his harms so he had a firm hold on the back of the two's shirts.

"Hey...! Hold on!", Zoro protested nervously, "What are you...!?"

While in the background Lambo was muttering with wide eyes, "I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this! Idon'tlikethis! Idon'tlikethis! Oh Dio!! Idon'tlikethisIdon'tlikethisIdon'tlikethisIdon'tlikethisidon'tlikethisIdon'tlikethis!!!"

But Luffy ignored the both of them, smiling widely as he pulled both of them out of their respected places. The two screaming as they careened through the air.

"Let's switch!", Luffy declared, throwing the two right out of Arlong Park.


When this is all over, Lambo is going to kill him. He does not like being thrown hundreds of feet into the air. He was exhausted after he and Zoro crawled out of the water, Lambo didn't even notice that he had nodded off.

That's when Lambo finally noticed the loud snoring coming from right next to him. Lambo looks down to see Zoro laying on his back, bandana off and tied on his upper arm, snoring like no tomorrow.

"Guess I'm not the only one who fell asleep.", Lambo noted as he sweat dropped at the swordsman.

That man can literally sleep anywhere and through anything. Although, honestly, Lambo is barely any better.

Speaking of sleeping through things, what had woken Lambo up?

There were several loud crashes sounding behind them on the other side of the gate. Just like that, Lambo remembered that Luffy was facing off Arlong.

With a quiet yelp, Lambo leapt right back up to his feet and scrambled up the gate, now easily able to survey the battle.

Well, he would be if there was one.

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