Chapter Six: The Start of Lambo's Journey as a Pirate! Tsuna Finds Out Answers!

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"Hey Lambo! C'mon! It's time to go!", an overly excited voice filled Lambo's ears as he gazed up blearily at the close-up figure of Luffy, hovering over him.

"...Luffy?", Lambo asked tiredly, still not fully awake, "Did we win?"

Luffy giggled, "Yeah, I sent that big nose flying."

Lambo groaned as he slowly sat up besides Zoro, who also just woke up courtesy of Luffy.

"Good for you.", he mumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"What the heck happened to you?", Nami asked, looking a little worried.

"That Cosmo the bomber guy, was angry Zoro beat his older brother. So, he and I fought each. Luffy insulted him, he threw a giant bomb at Luffy. I got hit instead trying to save the idiot, then I used up too much of my energy to finally take the bastard out."

"HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD!?", Nami screeches.

Lambo looked up at her uncaringly, not feeling up to answering her question but figured she would continue to bother him until he did. He's cranky when he's tired.

"Gokudera, a guy from my Famiglia, throws dynamite at me a lot ever since I was a kid.", Lambo slowly got to his feet, stretching out his aching muscles, "You could say that I have a high tolerance to explosions now thanks to him."

"That's horrible. How could anyone do that to a kid when training?", Nami mutters, mortified.

"Huh? Who said anything about training?", Lambo asks with a curious tilt of his head, "They never allowed me to train. I've been fighting on instinct and from what I see the rest of my Famiglia do when they train. Gokudera likes to blame me for things that go wrong and throws dynamite at me. Admittingly, when I was five until I was eight, half of the things that went wrong were my fault."

"He at least should've gotten the full story at first.", Zoro told the younger by, eyeing him calculatingly.

Lambo shrugged, taking off his horns and placing them inside his money pouch hanging from his belt, "I was a brat when I was little. Makes sense why he'd think so, plus he's a little short-tempered."

The two stared at Lambo, wondering what's his family was like and wondering how he was raised as a kid.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. What're we doing next chief?", he directed his question toward Luffy, "I need to write something and give to the mail seagulls while we"

Pink smoke suddenly began to consume Lambo's form.

"Aaahh!!", Luffy screams, "What's happening to you!?"

"Oh shi-!" Lambo quickly turned to the trio, "Grab what comes out of the smoke and don't leave it! I'll explain when I co-!"

Before he could finish, he was gone in a cloud of pink smoke. Standing in his place was a young boy with a giant curly black afro, horns popping from it, wearing a cow onesie and had the same jade green eyes as Lambo.

The child was sniffling as he took in his surroundings.

"Who are you?", Zoro asked with a raised brow.

"Woah! Lambo got smaller!", Luffy exclaimed, giggling like a little kid.

"You idiot!", Nami shouts, "There's no way-."

"I'm Lambo.", the little kid said before jumping on to a tall rock and pointing to the ground, "Now bow before me subordinates!"

"HUUHH!?!?", the trio of teenagers exclaimed in shock, all for different reasons.

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