Chapter Twelve: Clash of the Pirates! Lambo Ten Years from the Past is Back!

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Lambo's breathes were quick and shallow, his lungs working overtime in order to keep oxygen going through his body in order to keep it working, preventing it from shutting down. He's pretty sure the shock just about wore off because pain is the only thing his body feels, specifically his back, arm, and abdomen.

He laid on his side, with his injured arm on top, in order to not aggravate his injuries any more.

Cursing like a sailor in Italian, Lambo squeezed his middle tightly, trying his best to staunch the heavy blood flow, despite it also flowing from the exit wound on his back, the less blood loss he endures the more likely he'll be able to stay awake if he is needed.

Let's just hope he's not needed, or else if he survives here, his crewmates will kill him.

Lambo is pretty sure none of his organs were hit, it didn't feel like it, but he's no doctor so he can't be sure. But he is positive that the stupid butler may have hit an artery or two, again, he's no doctor, but at the sight of Lambo's wound, it looks like more blood than normal is spilling from the openings in his body.

Once again, he's no doctor or expert in the human biology, he's just guessing.

The only thing that made Lambo feel remotely good about what's going on, is the anticipation of Kuro getting his butt kicked by none other than Lambo's captain, Luffy.

The Black Cat Pirates, Usopp, and Kaya on the other hand, were just trying to get over the fact that Luffy's arm stretch across the entire slope in order to punch Kuro in the face knocking him on his back, down to the ground.

"What was that!?"

"It's Sorcery!"

"He's a freak!"

"A magical freak!"

"He sent Captain Kuro flying!"

Lambo chuckled weakly through the pain. He never realized how funny the pirates' reactions were. But the laughter turned into a quiet groan from the shifting of his wounds.

There was a moment of silence as the two captains seemed to be glaring at each other, Luffy had a big frown on his face, preparing himself for the fight to come.

That's when Lambo heard the pitter patter of small footsteps, with a swift jerky-like motion, Lambo spun his head to see the three small children that were a part of Usopp's makeshift crew.

"Usopp's Pirates...!", they all shouted in unison, leaping in the air, all wielding makeshift weapons.

Lambo's eyes widened in fear for the kid's safety, realizing what they are about to do.


".... Have arrived!", they all struck Kuro in the face at the exact same time, then continued on with their assault on the unmoving pirate captain.

"No, don't!", Usopp cried out.

"Stay away!", Kaya shrieks in worry.

"Idiotas! Stop! Get out of here! Andare!", Lambo shouts. (Idiots; Go)

"Say your prayers Butt-ler!", the green one exclaims.

"Take that! And that!", the tall one shouts with each hit.

"Game over you lousy no-good pirate!", the one with glasses shouts angrily.

All completely ignoring Usopp, Kaya, and Lambo's shouts for them to get away.

"No! Stop it!!", Ussop cries out, desperately trying to get the kids to stop the assault.

"Those kids! What are they doing!?", a black cat pirate exclaims in a panic.

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