Chapter Thirty-Eight:A Battle of Steel and Will! The Rain Will Fall!

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What is the first thought that comes to mind when you think about storms? Is it the aspects of a storm? Such as rain, thunder, clouds, or lightning. Or is it the symbolism that storms may represent? Like destruction, sorrow, grief, and renewal.

Storms can bring many things, both literally and figuratively.

But in this case of Vongola vs. The Straw hats, a storm comes both physically and emotionally. For despite battles having already been won, there are still others that are left to be finished.

As fists fly, metal clash, and bullets are shot, dark angry clouds have rolled in, thunder sounding loudly outside the mansion. The windows shake and rattle from the force of the noise, but none of the occupants take notice. The humidity rises as the clouds threaten to break and allow the rain to shower the island, but none of the fighters within the mansion seem to care.

They all have eyes on one goal, to win their fight, to win their battle of heart and wills.


In a corridor, separate from everyone else, stood two swordsmen, their blades swiping and clashing with one another. One of the swordsmen wielded three swords, while the other held only one, though his blade is longer than his opponent's.

They both went at it, their swords and blades flying through the air so fast that any bystander or outside audience watching the fight wouldn't be able to keep up, if barely. The two sped by, past, and toward each other, both receiving small cuts here and there. But in the end, neither one of the two fighters seemed to gain ground or an advantage over the other.

Both skilled, these two swordsmen are Roronoa Zoro, the first mate and swordsman of the straw hat crew, and Yamamoto Takeshi, the Rain Guardian and Vongola's top swordsman.

As the two clashed, Zoro couldn't help but grit his teeth tightly on his sword. Anger filled his veins as this fight dragged out and continued for much longer than he'd prefer. For Zoro went through every action and transgressions this man may or may not have done towards Lambo.

It did not lessen his anger at all.

The only thing keeping Zoro's anger in check is the thought of losing. He promised Luffy, he promised his captain, that he wouldn't lose another fight again. Zoro doesn't break his promises.

And even if that weren't the case, if Zoro lost, then Lambo would be dragged back to his own personal hell. It'd break the kid and turn him into something much worse than those dead dead eyes that Zoro had met upon their first meeting.

Like hell Zoro is going to let that happen. Screw them. Screw all of them, any of them, for even entertaining the thought that this is okay. That their treatment of Lambo is freaking okay! Screw the Vongola!

Zorro blinked at the sight of his and Takeshi's crossed blades meeting inches in front of his face. Eyes narrowing in frustration as he mentally scolds himself for losing focus in the middle of a fight. Especially one this important with a skilled opponent such as the Vongola's Rain Yamamoto Takeshi. Even more so with the unique technique the older swordsman is using which is, frankly, one that Zoro has never seen before.

So, Zoro reins in his rage, and continues to fight swiftly and aggressively with a cool-headed kind of calm that would scare any normal man.

Unfortunately, Takeshi is no normal man. But that's fine, it doesn't bother Zoro. No, instead, it just makes him want to beat Takeshi in this duel even more. He swore he'd protect Lambo and he swore that he'd one day become the world's greatest swordsman.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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