Author's Note

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I cannot apologize enough. I know it has been awhile since I last updated and it's not even a chapter. I am really sorry. But we are at the end of the Baratie Arc and are transitioning into the Arlong Park Arc. I have so many idea. But they are a little jumbled and mixed up with huge gapes in between. Specifically the end of the Baratie Arc. I struggling to wrap that up and give Lambo a small private moment with Sanji (I have an idea for that, it just turns out to be more difficult then I thought it would). 

So in other words, this story is in no way on hiatus, but I'm out of chapters and it's taking me a while to type it all out. It especially isn't helpful that I have a small case of writers block on this section of the story AND college is begining to kick my ass. (Seriously, they did not stress enough the amount of work you need to get through college).

So don't worry, not giving up on this story, still writing the next chapter as we speak, but it will be a while before I can update again becuase of life and I want to continue writing chapters that I feel proud of. Because this is my one of my favorite stories I have written thus far.

Be Your Best You! Bye!

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