Chapter Three: Lambo Finds the Resolve to Fight!

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Lambo walks lazily on top of a roof top several buildings away from the giant trial of smoke that snaked its way towards the sky behind him.

"That was certainly interesting.", Lambo mumbles to himself, "I wonder who those three are? Hope they got out okay.

A small pang went through his right hand, the source coming from his pointer finger, from his Vongola ring. Lambo rubbed at the finger and his hand to sooth the pain then began playing with the ring itself, traveling deep in his thoughts as he traveled from roof top to roof top.

"I should probably contact the boss.", he mumbles as he twisted the ring around his finger, "Tell him what happened."

Lambo pauses in his place, before sighing, his hands falling to his side.

'I should go check to see if those three survived first.', Lambo thinks to himself.

Besides, he already stepped in to help, might as well go find them and check up on them to see how they are. Maybe even help a little more. Not to mention Tsuna and the others wouldn't want to be bothered with this kind of thing any way. They're still busy preparing for the gala in two weeks.

With that, Lambo immediately spun on his heels and speed walk back the way he came, circling the area of destruction for the odd trio he wanted to help, for some reason.

After several minutes of searching, Lambo found Zoro and Luffy, Zoro sitting against a store's patio and Luffy, still in his cage, staring at a small white stoic dog, standing guard in front of the store.

"I wonder if he's dead?", Luffy asks out loud, looking like he wanted to poke the dog.

"Yo~ Luffy, was it?", Lambo called out making his presence known, leaning casually on top of the cage, "Whatever you're thinking about doing, I wouldn't if I were you."

"Oh hey. You're that guy that helped us out earlier.", Luffy says, looking up at Lambo, "What's your name?"

"Yep, that was me.", Lambo said, lazily popping the 'p' at the end, "My name is Lambo."

"Cool, thanks for helping us out Lambo!", Luffy said with a big smile.

Lambo nods, "Sure, just don't go poking random dogs you meet on the streets."

Ignoring Lambo's warning, Luffy went back to staring at the weird dog and poked the dog on the forehead. Hard.

Suddenly the dog leapt at the boy and started to try, and mostly succeeded, to bite Luffy's face off.

Zoro and Lambo stared at Luffy and the dog in shock, Lambo wisely taking several steps away from the two.

Luffy shaking the cage, causing it to jump and rattle while the dog mercilessly attacked the boy.

"Luffy! Would you quit goofing around and get serious!?", Zoro shouts before groaning and then falling to the ground in exhaustion.

Luffy fell back in his cage in a similar state.

"Damn, dog.", Luffy groans out quietly.

"I don't feel good.", Zoro says breathlessly.

"Yare yare, don't tell me you dragged him all the way over here with that injury?", Lambo sates rather than question, hidden worry from his bored tone.

The blood stain that has grown increasingly large on Zoro's side and his exhausted state was answer enough.

Lambo's head perked up at the sound of heels to see Nami looking down at Luffy and Zoro curiously.

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