Chapter Twenty-Three: Sanji and the Cold-Hearted Demon! The Two That Were There!

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The moment Luffy's foot crashed into the deck, chaos erupted everywhere. What happened next felt like it all happened in a short span of a few minutes.

When in reality it was only a few seconds.

The backlash made it hard for Gin to stay on top of Lambo, and the fifteen-year-old found himself clutching on to the deck for dear life so as to not tumble into the sea.

The ship was still bobbing up and down from the waves created by Luffy's attack, water was raining all over them, as if it was actually raining.

Lambo was breathing heavily as he relaxed his aching body, Gin still on top of him, chest still burning from that last strike.

How heavy were those weights on Gin's tonfas?

Everyone gaped at Luffy and the damage he's wrought.

"He Destroyed The Fin!!", screams one of the pirates.

Lambo watched Luffy as he was still crouched down from the attack, the straw hat lowered over his eyes, and a large smirk appeared on his lips.

Lambo felt chills as goosebumps ran up and down his arms.

His captain...

Lambo grinned, "That was awesome."

Is so cool.

Whenever he's not acting like an idiot that is.

"He's trying to sink my ship.", snarls Creed angrily, "You dare defy me!"

Luffy stood back up to his full height, back facing Creed, saying nothing.

"Gin! Kill the boy!", shouts Creed, "Show Straw Hat what happens when people mess with me! Kill Him! DO IT NOW!!!!"

Gin's eyes widened, looking shocked as he stared down at Lambo, who managed to peer up at him from over his shoulder, an unreadable expression on his face.

If he was going to die right now, like Luffy would let that happen, he was not going to show any fear.

"B-but, he's just a kid.", Gin says quietly.

"Gin! Kill Him!!", shouts Creed, looking like he was going to blow a fuse.

"Hey, I don't see why your all so upset.", Luffy turned to look Creed in the eye uncaringly, "I didn't sink it."

No, now Creed looks like he's about to blow a fuse.

"Stay out of it chore boy!", Sanji screams angrily, "It's not your fight!"

Sanji gets to his feet, running to Luffy.

"But I will."

Sanji freezes, "What!?"

'Isn't that counterproductive?', wonders Lambo but not commenting.

Both chefs and pirate alike stared at Luffy horrified, like he was crazy. Which he's not.

Just simple-minded.

Sanji marched angrily to Luffy grabbing his shirt by the collar, "You bastard! Do you know what you're doing!? You CAN'T sink this ship!"

"But if the restaurants gone then there's no reason to attack then, is there?", Luffy retorts bluntly.

Lambo sweat dropped, definitely simple minded. But not wrong though.

Unless they stay to fight out of anger and pettiness. Creed looks like the kind of guy to do that sort of thing.

"No!!", shouts Sanji incredulously.

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