Chapter Twenty-Seven: Nami's Dead Eyes! Lambo's Building Determination!

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Lambo almost felt bad for the poor cow, if it didn't, you know, try to eat Sanji and everything. The poor thing was crying and moping as it pulled the small ship right through the waves. Luffy stood at the head, hand on his hat to keep in place, as he laughed and enjoyed the ride.

"Yeah!", shouts Luffy, as they crashed through several waves, making the ship shake from the impact, "Hahaha! Faster! To Arlong Park!"

"Luffy get down! If you're not careful you're going to fall in!", Lambo shouts out to his captain, only to be ignored.

His worry isn't unfounded. Almost every other wave they crash into, the ship will find itself airborne several feet in the air above the ocean.

Causing Lambo to sweat dropped at Luffy's ignorant, "You're a reckless idiot, even outside of battle, aren't you?"

Luffy just grinned, eyes looking out determinedly, set on where their navigator is.

"Hang on Nami, we're coming.", Luffy said confidently.


It took a while, but they finally managed to make it to Arlong Park, but by that point, the sea-cow seemed to be giving out, swaying heavily side to side. He looked sick, and very dizzy.

"There it is! Arlong Park!", Luffy exclaims excitedly.

The sea-cow's moans now sounded like he was crying as it swayed heavily from one side to the other as he swam, tears running down his eyes like a river. It was honestly a sad and pitiful sight really, but Luffy held no mercy for the poor sea creature.

"Hey! Keep up the pace cow!", Luffy shouts almost angrily.

"I feel sorry for it.", Yosaku deadpanned, "Sanji's kicks must've really taken its toll."

Sanji just smirked, looking smug over the accomplishment.

"It's kind of sad really.", Lambo agreed, looking over the sea-cow with a pitiful stare.

Yosaku suddenly snickered, causing Lambo's eyes to narrow as he raised a questioning brow at the bounty hunter.

"What?", he asked dryly.

Undeterred by Lambo's tone and unamused stare, Yosaku continued to snicker.

"It's just... I mean... Don't you only think that because your...", Yosaku fell into a giggling fit before continuing, "Because you're related to it?"

A tick mark instantly appeared on Lambo's head as grabbed Yosaku by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to his height.


"Nothing! Nothing! I'm sorry!", Yosaku shouted frantically, as he tried to desperately tear his shirt from Lambo's unyielding grip, "I didn't mean it! Sanji! Help!!!"

Sanji just kept his back turned casually smoking his cigarette without a care in the world.

"Nope. You got yourself into that mess, your gonna have to get yourself out.", Sanji told Yosaku mercilessly, shoulders shaking in silent laughter.

Meanwhile, the cow was veering off course, much to Luffy's irritation.

"Not that way! Your other left!", Luffy shouts to the unresponsive sea-cow, "Go to the building stupid!"

Very mature Luffy.

Attention now away from Yosaku's comment, Lambo released Yosaku from his hold and stepped towards Luffy, only for his eyes to widen at the fast-approaching Land that is heading for their ship, only for the ship to veer in a different direction, then a different direction, until, finally, the sea-cow had enough.

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