Shut Up, Dr. Phil: Final Part

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Every sign is pointing to Don's house that both of them are over there. Sam has the spell ready, and you're just going to go in, do the spell, and leave. Joanna is swaddled to your chest since you don't want to carry around her carrier. This way, you have both hands free to defend yourself and protect the brothers. Sam wastes no time in entering the house noisily. They already know you're here since they can sense your magic. Don is sitting in an armchair, and Maggie is standing with her arms crossed right next to him.

"Furor divina virtute in infernum eam detrude!" Dean chants.

Sam lights a match and tosses it into the bowl that Dean is holding. White smoke and steam rise from the bowl, but nothing happens to Maggie or Don. When Don sees this, he just stands with a sigh, and Maggie just chuckles.

"Let me guess–chicken feet? Not chilled?"

"For obvious reasons, you don't be leaving this room," Don says and sets his drink down on the glass coffee table. "Well, you will be leaving... just not alive. Maggie?"

Both of them raise their arms and speak in unison. They begin chanting some spell that will for sure kill every one of you, so you have to act fast. Your first priority is protecting Joanna, so that's what you do while Sam and Dean talk this out.

"Okay, plan B," Sam whispers.

"What's plan B?"


"Now? Really?" Dean hisses.

"This is obviously a domestic dispute. So, if you can't kill them, counsel them."

"Yeah. You know what? Not my area!" Dean says.

Maggie and Don get closer to the end of their spell, so Dean is forced into action.

"Okay, okay, okay," he quickly says and sets the bowl down, halting Maggie and Don in their tracks. "Look–obviously, you two are capable of wiping each other out, right? But you haven't, huh? This means that you two–you still value whatever it is you got. A-And you want to keep that dance going. Maybe it's–maybe it's punishment. Maybe it's sick, messed-up, erotic, kinky, clamps and feathers kind of love."

Dean isn't doing too well, so Sam steps in before he says the wrong thing.

"Okay, that's going way too deep there, cowboy," Sam clears his throat and addresses the couple. "Look, what he's trying to say is that you two–whatever it is you have–you're bonded."

"Are you out of your mind? He cheated on me! Humiliated me!" Maggie exclaims.

"We're not trying to say what Don did was right. When a relationship cracks, usually both parties have a hand in it."

"Indeed," Don nods, liking Sam.

"You're defending him?" Maggie gasps.

She reaches an arm out towards Sam, and he falls to the ground in pain. Whatever she is doing to him, it's internal for sure. You jump back from shock and keep Joanna close to you.

"Whoa! Okay, okay!" Dean interrupts. "Look, nobody can defend Don. Right? But, uh, we get that you feel betrayed... because you were."

"Don't suck up to her," Don growls at Dean.

He does the same thing as Maggie did, and Dean goes flying backward into a glass door. You squeak at the thought of how painful this is, and you kind of hide to watch this unfold. This is like a bad episode of Maury. This is all happening too fast for your brain to play catch up.

"I was betrayed by all of them. Carl introduced you to Wendy. Dewey covered for you. Wendy did you!" Maggie yells.

"Okay, look," Sam groans and gets to his feet. "I got to say I-I don't think Don was lying when he said he regrets the whole Wendy thing."

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