Adventures in Babysitting: Part Two

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The entire ride was spent in silence save for Joanna's constant fussing. Dean made sure to bring her teething toys along so she wouldn't be in too much pain, but she still fussed. Dean had soft music play in the background. You were quiet the entire way there. Dean tried talking to you, but you refused to answer him. Well, that's a lie. You wanted to answer him but it's like you couldn't. Something is preventing you from living your life. Something that is holding you back.

When Dean pulled up to Frank's house, and even in your state, you can tell something is wrong. You get out of the car with a heavy sigh before turning to the back so you can grab Joanna.

"I got her," Dean offers.

He's shocked at how easily you walk away from this. He doesn't know how to help you just yet, but he has to help you soon before you turn into someone you don't know permanently. He grabs his daughter and buckles her into the stroller that he always has in his trunk. He used to have guns, duffel bags, and a few change of clothes. That's all replaced by baby toys, strollers, diapers, and a portable crib. Joanna coos to herself as he joins you in front of the house. Dean puts the visor down so that the sun doesn't hit her face, and he looks at the house wearily.

"Come on," he sighs.

You and Dean head inside the barren house. Everything is gone save for a few pieces of furniture lying about. You know this isn't a good sign, but if you couldn't care less about your own family, then Frank means absolutely nothing to you. You're only here to accompany Dean. You know he's trying hard to make you better, but there are some things that just can't be fixed... at least not right away.

"This can't be good," Dean groans. Someone cocks their gun behind you, and you both turn to see Frank pointing his own gun at you and Dean. "Well... hi." When Frank doesn't lower his gun, Dean's face pales a bit. "Frank... we're amongst friends here. Okay, acquaintances."

"That's just what a Leviathan would say."

"Frank, we're not Leviathans. You think we'd have Joanna here if we were?"

"Oh, sure. You're not a Leviathan. Dick Roman's not a Leviathan. Gwyneth Paltrow is not a Leviathan."

"Okay. You know what, Frank? I think you've been doing a little too much research."

"They're anywhere and anyone. Who's to say this ain't the day they come for old Frank who knew too much?" he sneers.

Okay, you've had enough of this fucking shit. Your eyes turn bright blue, and you use your magic to knock the gun right out of his hands. Your magic goes away, but the light in your eyes doesn't.

"Do you fucking believe us now?" you growl.

Frank looks between you and Dean before rolling his eyes. He snatches his discarded gun off the floor with an ugly pout.

"Grab your gun, come with me. For God's sake, don't make any noise," he hisses.

You take the handles of the stroller and follow behind Frank while Dean just watches you with a careful eye. Anger is definitely a trigger response for you, and maybe if you got angry enough, you'd actually be helpful. He knows it's a bad idea, but he puts it on the back burner while he deals with Frank. You two follow him to a separate location where a very small RV trailer sits in a barn-like building.

"Why the downsize?" Dean asks and enters the barn.

"You!" Frank accuses and enters the RV with you, Dean, and Joanna. "'Hey, Frank, go dig up some dirt on Richard Roman'. That night, I was burned off every IP I had. Ears on my phones and eyes on my house."

"Dick's got people watching you?"

"Do I look like I know? You think it's easy to see this deep into what's real and also be bipolar with delusional ideation? There is no pill for my situation, sweetie pop, so, yeah, best guess–the bigmouths are onto me."

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