The Mentalists: Part One

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You'd think for a popular bar, there would be more people in it. Soft music flows through the speakers, calming every nerve in your body. You're sitting at the bar counter, fingers tapping against the hard oak wood surface. An empty glass sits right in front of you, begging to be filled by the poisonous liquid. Strobe lights change into different colors at the stage which also houses a single bar stool, a guitar, and a microphone. Who is going to play that when there is no one here?

"Hello? Anyone there?" you call out.

Your voice echoes against the four walls making it seem like it's a bigger place than it actually is. Your body is sliding off the bar stool before you register that's what it's doing. It's a fairly small bar, so you head to the back where there might be another living soul. The kitchen is bare, and the supply closet is completely barren–so barren that there isn't even dust on the empty shelves yet. Whatever this bar is, it's relatively clean.

You head back to the main room to pour yourself a drink when you see someone there. It's a woman, and she is sitting in the same spot you were. Her back is turned to you, but you have a strange feeling that you know who she is. Where was she before? Who is she? What does she want?

"Excuse me, but do you know where the bartender is?" you ask cautiously and approach her slowly.

"Right here," she smiles and turns to face you.

"Mom?" you gasp, freezing in your step.

"It's been a while, hasn't it? Come on," she encourages, slapping the bar stool next to her.

Why is she here? Where the hell are you? What is going on? You cautiously take a seat next to her, your eyes never leaving her face. How is she here? She's dead, so that must mean something happened to you. Are you dead? Where are Sam and Dean?

"Where am I? How are you here? What is happening? Where are Sam and Dean? Where is–"

Before you can say your daughter's name, your mom just laughs in amusement.

"Slow down, baby. I will explain everything. First, do you want a drink?"

You blink, and she is behind the bar. Wait, your mom doesn't have teleportation powers. Yeah, you're definitely not in Kansas anymore. She grabs your favorite kind of alcohol and pours it into the only empty glass that's on the counter. To understand what is going on, you down the entire glass, and she refills it immediately.

"Where am I?" you ask after taking a deep breath.

"In a bar."

"Seriously, where am I? You're dead."

"I am," she nods and grabs another glass from underneath the bar.

"Am I dead?" you whisper fearfully.

"No, you're not. Let's call it... resting indefinitely," she says, pouring herself a glass of whatever alcohol she wants.

"Indefinitely? What does that mean?"

"You came face to face with two Leviathans... you lost. You used too much magic, and now you're in a magical coma so to speak. You're lost, wandering but never finding your destination. When you fell, you shattered and the pieces are lost inside your head. Find them, find pieces of yourself, and put yourself back together. It's the only way to return to your reality. Leviathans are powerful creatures, and it takes a lot more than normal to take them down–more than what you and your daughter can provide."

"I didn't know you knew about her," you say quietly.

"I know about everything, sweetie. I even know what Dean did."

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