The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo: Part Three

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You volunteered to get Charlie ready for this. While she can take care of the electronic stuff, you wanted to make her look a little sexier. If she is going to get caught, then she has to flirt her way out of it, but you're only going to go that route if absolutely necessary.

"Are you okay? You look tense."

"You're going to be just fine. I'll be with you the entire time. If you need help, I'll blast my way into that office. I won't let Dick kill you too," you whisper the last part.

"Did he kill someone you know?"

"He killed my dad right in front of me and came back to gloat about it. It's taking everything in me not to go in there and rip his head off myself."

"So, why don't you?"

"We have no clue how to kill him yet." You fix her hair and pull away from her with a convincing smile. "Okay, you're ready. Go kick it in the ass."

You leave her side and join the brothers who are inside of a black van that's parked in the shadows. Charlie set everything up here so that all you need to do is press a few buttons and you'll have control of everything. You open the back door and immediately feel better when you see Joanna's smile.

"Hey, baby girl," you grin and blow her a kiss. She mimics you and presses her palm to her mouth before moving it outward. "Yes, just like that!" Dean is creating something using all the power clean he was able to get his hands on while Sam is at the computer looking through the cameras. "How's it going in here?"

"Great, since she set all this up. Check this out." Sam angles Charlie's laptop toward you, showing you the many security cameras on display. "See this? I can put each camera on a prerecorded loop. Once I do that, she'll have fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes ain't a lot of time."

"No. She said if it took longer to hack his desktop, then she deserved to be eaten."

"I like her," Dean nods.

"She's a keeper," you chuckle.

The security cameras show Charlie standing outside of the building, but upon further inspection, Dean can see Bobby's flask in the side pocket of her bag.

"Wait. Is that... Son of a bitch. Look at her bag."


"Do you think he hitched a ride after we told him to stay behind?"

"Yeah. What the hell's he thinking?" Dean groans.

"He's not. So, what do we do? Do we call the whole thing off?"

"We can't. We've only got one shot at this," you sigh. "Better hope he doesn't try anything fucking stupid."

You reach forward and grab the microphone that's hooked up to Charlie's Bluetooth.

"Charlie, it's Y/N." You hear someone singing only to realize that it's her. "Are you singing?"

"I sing when I'm nervous. Don't judge me."

"Trust me, if I judged you, then I may as well go to Hell right now. Listen, check the side pocket in your bag."

Through the cameras on the screen, you see Charlie look into her bag. She pulls out the flask and sags in relief.

"Oh. Thank you. Good idea," she moans after taking a taste.

"Yeah, no problem. Look, that's, uh, kind of a family heirloom. It's a good-luck charm, okay, so don't lose it."

"Copy that. Okay. Let's do this." Her words say one thing but her action say another.

She is standing outside of the building just staring at it. She is having second thoughts, you can see it.

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