Season 7, Time for a Wedding!: Final Part

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Now that the case is over and everyone knows what Becky did, you forced her to get an annulment with Sam. She isn't happy about it, but she understands that what she did was wrong. This is all happening in the comfort of her apartment, and Sam signs the papers first. Becky is staring at the floor in shame, but this is necessary. Once finished, he slides the papers over to her, but she doesn't sign them right away. Dean is holding Joanna and you and Garth are watching this occur.

"It... it wasn't all bad, right?"

Sam gives her a bitch-face, and her slight smile fades away. Sam sighs, feeling bad that she feels this way.

"Okay, y-you did save my life, and for that, thanks."

"So, I'll see you again?"

"Yeah, probably not," you answer for Sam, and she goes back to pouting.

She grabs the annulment and signs it quickly, sliding it back over to Sam.

"Becky, look. You're not a loser, okay? You're a good person, a-and you've got... a lot of... e-energy. So, you know, just do your thing, whatever that is, and the right guy will find you," Sam encourages her.

Garth looks hopefully at Becky, fixing the sides of his hair. There is no way you're letting him get caught up in her craziness. You face Garth and place a hand on his chest.

"No. Absolutely not," you shake your head.

Becky's face falls again, and you're ready to get the hell out of here. You have something else to do now that the case is over. Becky walks all four of you out of her apartment, but you still have something else to say. You're the last one out the door, and you face her with a smile that is anything but sweet.

"Oh, and Becky?" She hesitantly looks into your eyes. "If you ever touch my boys again, I will personally see to it that you never touch anything ever again. Okay?"

"Okay," she whispers.

"Mama bear," Sam whispers to Dean.

With that, you leave her apartment. You four head down to the cars in the alleyway that is next to her apartment. It's time for you to part ways with Garth, and you have to admit, you're going to miss him. He's got energy and spunk most hunters don't, and you hope he keeps that going forward. You grab Joanna from Dean, kissing her cheeks.

"Well, buddy, I got to say, man–you, uh... you don't suck," Dean compliments, lightly slapping Garth's arm.

"Yeah, you did well. You better keep that charm. Ladies will fall for it every time," you grin, bouncing Joanna in your arms.

"Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me," he grins.

Garth envelopes Dean in a hug. Dean stiffens up, not expecting this show of affection. You think it's sweet, but Dean... not so much. He pats Garth on the back awkwardly, wishing it was over.

"Yeah. Alright, that's–thank you," he stutters.

Garth steps back only to give you a hug. Jonna is in your arms, so he can't give you a tight hug. However, you take what you can get. You really like him and hope to see him in the future for whatever reason. Garth pulls away from you, and he smiles widely at Joanna. He grabs her tiny hand and shakes it. She giggles and "waves" back happily.

"Take care," Dean says.

Garth leaves the group, and Dean shakes his head while mouthing the word "wow" to his brother.

"Aww, you made a fwiend," Sam mocks.

Dean gives him a bitch-face, and you and Sam laugh at him.

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