Repo Man: Part One

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Four Years Ago

The hunt for Lilith has reached a dead end. You have no idea where she is, what she's planning, and the demons you know work for her are surfacing. That calls for improvising, so if you can't get hold of one of her followers, then you have to grab any demon you can sink your claws into. The demon you captured refused to give you his name, but you don't really want to know his name--you don't really care for your victims.

The demon is strapped to a chair in the middle of the room with a devil's trap on the ceiling, Dean is sharpening the demon knife that Ruby gave to you, you're playing with your magic to try and intimidate the demon, and Sam is waiting by the front door for the witch that helped you find this demon. She really wants to see what a person looks like possessed by a demon, and who are you to deny her?

The demon is sitting there glaring at you, and if looks could kill, you'd definitely be dead. You smirk and flash your eyes blue, and the demon looks away from you. He must know that this isn't going to end well for him. This demon was on a killing spree before you were able to find him, but you were too late to save the poor woman who lived in this house. He killed her right before you showed up, so to respect her, you laid her on the table and covered her body with a white sheet. It's the least you can do for her.

"Ms. Havelock, you shouldn't have come," Sam greets the witch at the door.

This witch is different than you because you're a light witch that draws from nature, and she's a woman who studies spells and occasionally performs them. Nora Havelock enters the house in determination. From where you're sitting, you have a perfect view of the front door and of her and Sam.

"I needed to see it for myself after all that tracking and all those hours we spent. I mean, it's one thing to study them in books. It's another to see it in person."

Both of them walk into the main room, and the demon smirks when he sees Nora.

"Do I smell menopause?" He laughs to himself before cracking his neck. "Well, if it isn't the Wiccan Bitch of the West. Ms. Havelock, I know you're the one that helped them find me." Nora looks over at the covered woman, and she quietly gasps in shock. "Not in time to save our big girl here, but still, you get a merit badge."

Nora glares at the demon and approaches him from the front. You would have been worried for her safety, but the demon is tied down inside a devil's trap, so you're not as worried.

"They caught you, you son of a bitch! No more murders and you're going back to Hell," she growls.

"Oh, Nora, Nora... I'm gonna scoop you out like a pumpkin. Do you know that?"

The demon's eyes turn pitch black and he growls threateningly. This is enough to scare Nora, and she jumps back with a shriek before leaving the room. The demon just laughs as she leaves the property altogether. Sam watches her from the window to make sure she is going to be okay. When she is out of sight, you get up from your spot on the couch and approach him slowly.

You reach down and grasp his cheeks, squishing them together in a tight grip as you make him look up at you. Your magic dances around your fingers and in your eyes to show the demon you're all business.

"Unfortunately for you, you have to deal with us now. You're not the first demon we've tracked down. As a matter of fact, I think you put us over half a dozen."

"Looking for Lilith in all the wrong places," he chuckles, his voice muffled from how hard you're gripping his cheeks.

"Well, you're gonna help us with that," Dean says.

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