The Slice Girls: Part Three

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While you, Dean, and Sam were getting down and dirty (not together), another crime was happening. You only found out about it when you got a call the next morning from the police about it. Since Sam still isn't back yet, and he's not answering his phone, you and Dean decided to check out the crime scene.

Luckily, Sam got your message and met up with you at the crime scene. He looks so tired and worn out, but you know he had a good time. He holds a cup of coffee in his hands as he walks next to you, and you smirk when you spot a red mark on the side of his neck.

"So, how was the mystery girl?" you ask.

"Her name is Lydia."

"Lydia, huh? You like her?"

"She's nice," he shrugs.

"Nice like that hickey you have on your neck?" you giggle.

Sam blushes and moves his hair to try and cover it.

"Yeah, what about yours? Yours is darker than mine."

"What can I say? I'm newly married," you shrug.

"Did you two at least figure out that symbol?"

"No. Believe it or not, we did do research. We're going to need an expert."

"Expert? Our expert's dead," Dean quips.

You frown at his comment but don't make a big deal about it. You flash your badge to the officers posted at the front, and they let you three through. Joanna is strapped into her carrier sleeping, but the officer doesn't mention anything about it. There is another man dead in his apartment with both his hands and feet cut off. Whoever is doing this won't stop unless you step in. You just have to figure out who's doing this.

When you walk into the apartment, you see the dead man lying on the ground with a forensics officer and a woman officer crouched next to it. The entire room is covered in blood. Whoever did this clearly didn't care about leaving any DNA behind.

"Well, nice decor. Very early slaughterhouse," Dean comments.

"They're the FBI," the same forensic officer you dealt with before introduces you three to the woman officer. "Guys, this is Charlene Penn. She's the lead on the case."

"More of the same," Charlene gets right into it. "Uh, no forced entry. He was thrown across the room and made to suffer with both hands and feet cut off."

"He has the same symbol on his chest," you comment.

You set Joanna on a clean area of the floor, free of any blood. She is still sleeping, but you can suspect not for long. She woke up briefly while you got her out of the crib and into the car seat, but then she fell right back asleep.

"Whoever the killer is, the guy's a monster," the forensic officer sighs.

"Excuse me."

Charlene excuses herself and leaves the room to tend to other business.

"This guy's just like the last one. Early thirties and decent-looking."

"Yeah. Just like the first three, you know? Fairly successful with no known enemies. Follow me."

The forensic officer brings Sam and Dean to the kitchen while you head to the front door where an officer is speaking to a neighbor.

"Excuse me, I got it," you offer and flash your badge to the officer. "How can I help you?"

"I was just trying to find out what happened. Jerry was a friend."

"I'm sorry to say this, but Jerry was killed last night." You give him time to process your words before continuing. "Do you live nearby?"

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