Repo Man: Part Two

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"Agents, surprised to see you here," the police detective in charge says once you arrive at the crime scene.

This police detective was the same one that you dealt with four years ago, and you're amazed that she remembered you after all this time.

"Surprised to see you here," you smile.

There is a body mostly covered with a bloodstained sheet lying on the floor as her police team works around it. A "Do Not Cross" line surrounds the perimeter of the place, and you flash your badges to the officer posted at front. He lets you, the brothers, and the detective through.

"Uh, it's a pleasure to see you again, Detective..." You look over at Sam and see he's having a hard time trying to remember her name. Lucifer must be messing with him, causing him to stutter and mess up. "You know what? Pardon me. Uh, what was it, Detective..."

"Oh, no problemo. Detective Sutton," she smiles.

"Sutton, yeah," Dean nods, having forgotten as well.

A police photographer takes a picture of broken glass in the back of a 4WD vehicle near the victim's body.

"Sad to say, the case looks to be open again," Sutton sighs.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Same tools, same cuts, and same crazy."

You walk closer to the victim and examine her face which has cuts all over it. Moving your eyes down her body, you notice the lack of her pinky finger on her left hand. Part of her palm is missing like the murderer sliced a piece off for whatever reason.

"Makes sense," the detective continues. "I mean, we didn't catch the critter last time, did we?"

"There are no suspects?" you ask.

"It's the same as before, and we made sure we were very thorough."

"Thank you, Detective," you smile kindly.

"Any time."

"Hey," Sam whispers to you and Dean.

You approach the area where he is and see yellow powder on the ground. You know exactly what that means. It means someone let your demon out of Hell. There was only one person to find him last time, so it looks like you'll have to go visit her again.


"Damn it. Better go check on Havelock," Dean sighs.

Since there is nothing left to gather at this crime scene, you leave and hope that Havelock is in the same place she was four years ago. When you get to the street where her shop is, you can clearly see the new sign she has put up trying to get new customers. Joanna is taking a nap in her car seat, which you knew would happen because she was up before you. You try the door, but frown when it's locked. You're about to call the number that's painted on her window when you see her inside.

You wave at her and she immediately goes to the front to let you in.

"Hey, Nora. Long time no see," you grin.

"And with a baby, I see."

"Yes, I've been busy."

" That's new," Sam points out the website that's painted to her door.

"Internet mail order. White magic only--herbs and talismans."

She lets you inside of her shop and to the back where there is a devil's trap painted on the floor. It looks like it's still fresh, and judging by the way she steps around it to enter the other room, you know that it is.

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