Out With The Old: Part One

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The thing you loved most about traveling around the United States is visiting the different states during the winter months. You love snow and prefer the wintertime to the summertime. You love bundling up in warm clothes, snuggling deeper into the bed, and sitting in front of the fires. If it's hot, then you can only remove so much clothing before you feel like you'd rather peel your own skin off if it meant you'd stay cool.

You're in Oregon where it's snowing inches of snow, piling up pretty quickly. It's not coming down hard, but it's enough to make some snowballs and small snowmen. You've been traveling around trying to find a case to go on because Sam needs it to keep himself awake. You really wish you could do more for him, take away his pain or something. Lucifer just won't let him sleep which will eventually cause him to go insane.

He can't hunt if he's seeing things and isn't in his right state of mind.

He's been drinking a lot of coffee to try and keep him up, looking for cases as they come along. Dean is trying to talk to Frank about Dick Roman, eager to know his location so he can kill him. You're just living in the moment with your daughter because someone has to take care of her. You know Dean loves her with all his heart, but he's so hellbent on killing Dick that he doesn't stop to be with Joanna.

Maybe when this is all over, you can start to be a normal family.

"Look at the snow, baby!" you encourage, holding Joanna so she is standing on the ground outside. "Catch the snow with your tongue!"

You lean your head back and stick out your tongue to try and get a snowflake on your tongue. Joanna mimics what you're doing, but it's much cuter when she does it. Zeus barks and runs around in the snow, jumping into the piles he sees. The sight makes you smile widely. You can't believe the person who sold you Zeus told you that he bites and is a very mean dog. Zeus is such a sweetheart to you and Joanna, and you can tell he's warming up to Dean.

He's such a good dog, and you'd rather not have any other but him.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" you ask your daughter.

She squeals in response, so you use your magic to create a snowman out of thin air. The snow travels in tight circles to form a perfect snowman. It's about as tall as Joanna is, and she reaches out to touch the snow with her tiny hands. She is wearing gloves, so you're not worried about her burning her hands from how cold it is.

"Do you like that?" you grin.

"So, Dick's funding an archaeological dig? Unless Dick's actually digging himself, I'm not sure I know what to do with that, Frank. Or the factory in Saudi Arabia, or the fishery in Jakarta. None of this is helping, Frank," Dean says in frustration.

You look over at your husband and sigh sadly. It's frustrating when it seems like Dick is five steps ahead of you, and every move you make sets you back even further.

"Where the hell is Tromso?" As Frank speaks, your husband rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well, we're not in Montana. We're in Oregon.... What about Wisconsin?... The coordinates--Bobby's coordinates.... Well, work on it.... Alright, alright, alright. Take it easy, Frank."

Dean's facial expressions go from annoyed to pissed off. Frank must have hung up on him.

"Okay, playtime is over, baby," you say and kiss her head. You pick her up as you stand and head over to Dean who looks like he might hit something. "I think she might make you feel better."

"Hey princess," Dean smiles, feeling a bit better at seeing his daughter smile.

You hand her off to him before Sam decides to join you and Dean.

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