Party On, Garth: Part One

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You still don't like the idea of leaving Castiel behind in that hospital, but what you don't like even more is that Meg is posing as a nurse to keep an eye on him. You don't like anything that she is involved in because people get hurt or killed because of her. You don't want to see anything happen to Castiel due to how selfish and manipulative she can be. Still, you have to hunt and take care of other things otherwise you'd be the one in that hospital watching over him.

Sam and Dean sit in the front seats, as per usual, while you sit in the back seat with Joanna and Zeus. She is sleeping soundlessly in her car seat, and you admire her chubby cheeks and parted lips through the patches of lights thanks to the streetlights. Zeus is wide awake, and you can tell he is starting to get bored. Can dogs be bored? Regardless, you decided to play with him using your magic.

Whisps and twinkles of magic shimmer down your fingers right in front of Zeus' face. He reaches up and tries to bite at the magic, and you giggle at his antics. You keep him entertained with this form of your magic while Dean is on the phone with Meg to see how Castiel is doing.

"Alright, well, call us if he wakes up or, you know, anything. ... Yeah, fine. ... Thanks for your help, Meg." Dean hangs up and immediately grains afterward. "What a bitch."

"So, Cas is the same, then?" Sam wonders.

"Yeah, down to the drool."

"I feel so bad for leaving him there," you sigh.

"By the way, how is your custard?" Dean asks his brother.

"It's alright. It's getting better. I just wish it wasn't like the damn tape from 'The Ring'. I mean, I feel like I'm okay because I passed on the crazy."

"No, you didn't. You heard what Cas said."

Your phone rings, breaking up their conversation. You take it out of your pocket to see that Garth is calling you. His name brings a smile to your face. You really miss him and have thought about him from time to time since you last parted. He's one of the good ones, you can tell.

"Hey, Garth," you beam. "How've you been?"

"Who's Garth?" Dean asks and peeks at you through the rear-view mirror.

"We worked with him when Sam was married to Becky," you giggle.

"Yeah, we don't talk about that," Sam says with a grimace.

"There's something brewing in Junction City, Kansas. How fast can you get here?"

"Luckily, we're heading that way. We'll be there shortly."

"What did he want?" Dean asks after you hung up.

"He says he needs our help with a case in Junction City, Kansas. He didn't say what it was, though."

"We're already halfway there."

"That's what I implied."

Dean steps on the gas pedal more to zoom down the dark roads to get to the place as soon as possible. Garth had texted you where to meet him, and by the time you get there, you're on the brink of exhaustion. You're glad Joanna got some sleep in the car because you sure as hell didn't.

"Would you stay in the car with her? I really don't feel like bringing her in," you say to Sam when you arrive.


"Thank you," you say and peck his cheek.

You and Dean head inside the morgue where Garth is. You're not sure what you're getting yourself into, but it beats worrying about Castiel. He's in the back of your head because you know you can't do anything to make him better. Trying to heal Sm was difficult, and you know healing an angel would be damn near impossible.

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