Time After Time: Part One

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The past few weeks have been about self-healing and overcoming the sadness that came with your dad's death. You're not completely healed by any means, but you're no longer angry at the world. Dean is right, you can't keep yelling at everyone and expecting it to be fixed like magic. Losing a loved one doesn't work like that. You just have to remember that your dad wouldn't want you to live your life like this.

You still cry yourself to sleep, you still scream and shout when you need to, but you're managing it better. You're treating Sam and Dean a lot better than before, you're talking, using your anger to fuel your quest in getting Dick, and most importantly, you're giving all of your love to Joanna.

She's honestly one of the only people that is making this all better. Her and Dean are the only people keeping you together. You're trying your best not to break down, but given what you've been through, it's understandable. You're turning your rage and anger into something productive like looking for Dick Roman with your husband while your daughter is in her infant walker that helps her learn to be on her feet while playing with the toys attached to it.

Dean is drinking a bottle of whiskey but you don't mind since this has been a stressful couple of months. You're even thinking of grabbing a bottle for yourself, but that wouldn't be fair to Joanna. Dean knows how to handle alcohol a lot better than you anyway. You and Dean are looking up a bunch of different websites related to Dick Roman: Global Economic Report: RRE, a search engine page, and Financial Market Watch: Richard Roman Enterprises stock soars. Sam is asleep on the bed in the same room, and when a phone rings loudly, he snorts himself awake. He looks around the room, settling on you and Dean.

"Don't give me that dirty-diaper look. I ain't calling you," Dean sasses.

Sam groans and picks up his phone.

"Hello?" he says tiredly. Whoever is on the other line causes him to be more alert and awake. "The sheriff?"

Sam places her on speakerphone so you and Dean can hear.

"Listen, I got something that smells like you three," Sheriff Mills says. "A body turned up in Canton, Ohio. Local P.D.'s trying to bury the story and the body."

"Okay, um, so, uh, what's up with the body?" Sam asks, rubbing his eyes clear of any sleep remaining.

"Well, when he went missing, he was a perfectly normal grad student named Charles Durbin. When he turned up, the thing was mummified minus the wrapping. This is actually the second body found like this in the last couple weeks. Sound like a song you three tap to?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's our kind of number. Hey, question–how does a sheriff in Sioux Falls get wind of a case in Ohio?"

"I'm just that nosy. Look, after everything I've been through with you boys and Y/N and... with Bobby, you know, something like this pops up on the wire, it catches my ear. What can I say?" she chuckles.

Your heart strings are pulled at your dad's name, but you don't react to it.

"Well, we'll look into it. Thanks, Sheriff."

"Call me after, okay?"

"Yeah," Sam says and hangs up.

"Oh, I feel bad. We didn't get her anything," Dean says sarcastically.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this but I hope you two are watching cartoon smut, 'cause reading Dick Roman shit over and over again is just self-punishment."

You and Dean exchange glances before Dean shuts the laptop gently.

"It's called anime, and it's an art form."

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