The Slice Girls: Part Four

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Joanna is at that part in her life where she should be walking. You're not quite there yet, but you know it's coming soon. She is crawling excessively, she tries to grab onto things to move, and you get her on her feet whenever you can--with your support, of course. Something big is coming, you can just feel it.

She is playing with Zeus with her building blocks and colorful toys while you and Dean are seated on the bed. The only sound you can hear is her constant cooing and babbling while gently tossing the toys at the ground. Dean is reading through some of the files while you're mindlessly scrolling through social media apps. You don't have a lot of friends or follow anyone, but you do take lots of pictures of Joanna and post them. You want to have these memories of her, especially in your line of work.

Joanna throws one of her toys a little bit too far, and it lands on the other end of the couch. She looks for it for a few seconds, and when she finds it, she rolls over so that she's facing the couch. You look up from your phone just in time to see Joanna grab the end of the couch and lift herself to her feet. You gasp so loudly that Dean looks up from his files.

"Look! She's walking!" you immediately rush to take a video on your phone.

Joanna must use the couch for help as she staggers a few steps to reach the toy she wants. When she gets to the end of the couch, she grabs the toy and throws it back to her pile. She then falls to her ass and crawls the way back.

"Look at my little girl!" Dean grins. He tosses his research to the side and approaches Joanna. She smiles at him as he reaches down to pick her up. "We are so proud of you!"

He peppers kisses to her face, and she lets out the most infectious laugh you can think of. He brings her back to the bed and sets her on his lap, letting her grab his fingers in her tiny fits. Zeus sees this interaction as wholesome and loving. He gets up from his spot and trots over to Dean's feet where he lays down in a protective stance.

"See? He's already warming up to you," you grin. Just then, the door opens and Sam comes rushing in. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Let me tell you about my day," Sam pants. He shuts the door and walks to the refrigerator to grab a beer. "Lydia has a kid. When I went to her place that night, there was no kid."

"So? Maybe she didn't tell you she had one? Maybe the kid was at dad's house for the night?"

"No, it's not like that. When I was with her, she didn't have any kids, and I was at her place, man. There were no playpens, no blankets, and no rubber ducks."

"Right. Like you would have been focused on that kind of thing," Dean scoffs.

"You're the one who taught me this, Dean. That's the first thing you notice."

"That's true," Dean nods.

"Still, I go over there today, and boom, baby."

"Yeah, the one you thought was talking?"

"Oh, it talked, and not baby talk, either."

"Now you know so much about child development? I'm the dad here," Dean says.

"I know enough to know that they don't say, 'Hey, Mom. Who's that guy?' So, cut to Lydia handing this kid who's calling her mommy over to these two women, right? But this is not a baby. No, no, this kid's got to be five with the same name--Emma. The baby's name was Emma too."

"You know, George Foreman named all his sons George," you state.

"Are you deliberately messing with me?" Sam sighs.

"Sorry, go ahead."

"Dude, I know weird, okay? There is no non-weird explanation for this. This morning, Emma was a baby. By sunset, she's Hannah Montana. Early years."

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