The Slice Girls: Final Part

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You strap her into her carrier and take her to the car where you get behind the wheel. After you both are buckled in, you head to the university. You know these college professors and the kind of men they are. They always work late, focus everything they have into their work, and they are very passionate about their field. That's why you know Morrison is at the university.

When you get there, you carry Joanna inside instead of carrying her in her car seat. You didn't even call him to let him know you're coming, so this is going to be a surprise. You approach his office doors and just barge in without knocking. It's safe to say that Morrison is shocked you are here with a baby, nonetheless.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding," Morrison groans. The time on the clock reads 11:25 pm--far too late for anything. "I have office hours tomorrow--"

"I'm sorry, professor, but we need your help."

You lay the parchment paper on his desk, right in front of him.

"The FBI isn't paying me enough for this," he sighs and picks it up.

"Alright. I'll sweeten the deal," you say suddenly. "I'll remove your wiretap."

The professor looks up in alarm. He wasn't expecting you to say that. He shakes his head and continues to read the parchment paper, but as soon as he gets a few sentences in, he's hooked.

"It's fascinating."

"What does it say?" you ask and take a seat at his desk.

"Oh, I haven't gotten there yet. I'm talking about the paper. It's handmade. A cellulose, rather like papyrus, which would explain its durability."


"Wherever did you get it?" he cuts you off.

"My dad. Could you please translate it? We're on a deadline," you urge.

"Well, it's in Greek. It's not a common dialect. My God, what is it with you and Amazons?"

"Professor! Please, it's really important," you stress.

"At 11:30 at night, it better be," he comments, getting to the reading part. "Oh, here's a new twist. It repeats the conventional lore. Amazon warriors mate with males, the males are murdered, yada, yada. But according to this... it's not the women who do the killing. Instead, a ritual of initiation requires that the child born of the mating process must kill her own father."

"Excuse me?" you gasp.

"That's what it says."

"Thanks for your help. I really have to be going. I do appreciate you translating this."

You take the paper back and leave immediately, rushing to get back to the car. You're looking at your phone trying to get either Sam or Dean on the phone when you turn the corner. You see feet in your peripheral vision, so you look up and come to a halt when you see Detective Charlene right in front of you.

"Detective, I'm sorry," you sigh.

"Agent. You're here late."

"Yeah, but I really must be going. Could we talk in the morning?"

You go to move past her, but she grabs your upper arm tighter than you thought she would. You raise both eyebrows and look at her hand, and your face pales when you see the Amazon brand on her wrist. Your eyes move up to hers, and you narrow yours in warning.

"You'd let go if you knew what was best for you."

"What's your hurry Y/N? Y/N Winchester. Let's see, I could turn you in for impersonating a federal agent."

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