Adventures in Babysitting: Final Part

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You put a hand on your sleeping daughter's back and head inside the abandoned building where Sam and her father are. There are locks everywhere on the outside, and you use your magic to pick the locks. You head inside only to see dead men on the ground. There is nothing you can do for them right now, so you quietly step over them and continue further inside.

You peek around the corner with Dean and see Krissy's father, Lee, Sam, and a dead man all tied to chairs. Lee looks like he is going to die really soon, and Sam has blood trickling down his head from where these Vetelas hit him. Along with the blonde woman you've been tracking, there is a dark-haired woman with the same outfit as the blonde.

"Good thing we picked up a new one, Sally," the blonde woman you followed grins. "This one's about tapped out. Do you want to finish him together?"

"Sure thing, Marlene. Love to," Sally grins.

On command, you form a magical shard like you did when you were with Dick in the parking lot of the hospital. You're a very good shot with your magic, but Dean doesn't notice the shard. He looks at you and mouths that he is going to take Sally and you're going to take Marlene. He stealthily moves along the wall to get closer to Sally. You, however, stand up and face Marlene who is about to take a bite out of Sam's neck.

You rear your arm back before throwing the shard of magic at the blonde, watching as it sticks in her back between her shoulder blades. She gasps and stumbles back, falling down the small flight of stairs leading to the platform that Sam and Lee are on. Sally is on full alert, but Dean is quick to get the jump on her.

Dean grabs a metal bar and hits Sally, who falls to the ground in a heap of pain. He draws his silver knife (the only thing that can kill them) and goes to attack Sally when she snarls with her fangs at him. She rolls out of the way and tackles him to the ground while you head over to Marlene where she's lying on the floor. She looks up at you with frightened eyes, and you only put pressure on her chest with your foot. Your magic is the only thing keeping her down right now.

"Not so fast," Sally growls and grabs at Dean. She kicks the silver knife out of his hand and pulls him to her chest, baring her fangs to let you know that she means business. "Let her go or your boyfriend here gets it."

Sam groans as he starts to wake, and soon enough, you have both men watching your every move.

"He's not my boyfriend," you growl.

She inches closer to Dean who pretends like he isn't afraid of getting eaten. That along with Sam's puppy dog eyes are enough for you to take away the magic from Marlene. She finally takes a breath that fills up her lungs, and you remove the foot from her chest. Sally eases up on Dean, but her monster face doesn't go away.

"It's a shame that such a small child is going to grow up without her mother and father," Sally grins.

Marlene stands up and dusts off her legs before approaching you from behind.

"We don't normally eat women and children, but you can be the exception," Marlene threatens in your ear.

You growl lowly in the back of your throat as your eyes flicker to the powerful blue of your magic. The silver knife that Sally kicked out of Dean's hands starts to shake because your magic is calling to it like a magnet. The knife lifts from the ground and shoots over to your hand, but not before you manipulate the knife to head straight to Sally who is about to eat Dean.

The knife sticks into her back with a sickening crack, and you twist it once so that it kills her instantly. She crumbles to the ground in a head of ashes which means Marlene is next. She yells and lunges for you, but you call for the knife again to come straight at you. Right before it could hit you, you duck out of the way so that it sticks into Marlene's chest instead. She gasps and staggers back from the impact, and you reach up to grip the handle of the knife with such anger in your eyes.

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