The Born-Again Identity: Final Part

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By the time you get to St. Mungo's Hospital, it's pitch black out. Joanna has been taking naps throughout the day, so she's fully awake and a chatter bug. It's a good thing that Dean parked far enough away not to alert anyone that you're here. There are four individuals outside--two in hospital clothing and the other two in a security outfit. All four men outside are demons because you can see black smoke around their bodies. Zeus and Joanna are left in the car as you and Dean are only five feet away from it.

"Oh, gracious," Castiel sighs.

"Demons," you nod.

"All of them?"

"Yes, Dean, all of them."

"How many of those knives do you have?" Castiel asks.

"Just the one."

"Well, then, forgive me, but what do we do?"

"I could use my magic. I can make more than one of those sword things," you suggest and turn to Meg. "Don't get in my way or I might mistake you for one of them."

"No, it's too dangerous," Dean shakes his head.

"Then what should we do?"

"Oh, for the love of... Can I talk to you two?"

You and Dean walk off to the side with Meg without Castiel to talk about him.

"Sam's in there. I know you're enjoying the double-dip with your old pal, but--"

"You think it's that cut and dry? Really? You know what he did, and you want to tell him and just hope that he takes it in stride? He could snap. He could... disappear. Who knows?"

"I really can't believe I'm saying this," you sigh, "but Meg is right. He deserves to know who he is. I know he fucked Sam up, and he brought the Leviathans to us which, in turn, killed my dad. The point I'm trying to make is that it wasn't Castiel. He was manipulated from the start. He didn't know what he was doing."

"And that makes it okay?"

"No. Hell no. But it does make it forgivable. You forgave me for what I did almost three years ago, and look where we are now. Bringing Castiel back might make him realize just how much he fucked up. He deserves a second chance just like everyone else."

"What about me?" Meg asks.

"No, fuck you."

"I gather we know each other," Castiel says from behind you three.

You turn and see him standing there with a solemn look on his face.

"Just a dollop."

"You can tell me. I'll be fine."

"Remember that friend I was telling you about? The one I needed in my life? The one who I miss so much?" He gives one nod instead of a verbal answer. "That was you."


"You're an angel," Meg blurts out.

"I'm sorry? Is that a flirtation?"

Like you said, even when Castiel isn't himself, he's himself.

"No, it's a species. A very powerful one."

"She's not lying. Okay?" Dean sighs. "That's why you heal people. You don't eat. I'm sure there's more."

"Why wouldn't you tell me? Being an angel--it sounds pleasant."

"It's not," you and Dean say at the same time. "It's bloody and corrupt. It's not pleasant."

"He would know. You used to fight together. Bestest friends, actually," Meg grins.

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