Time After Time: Part Four

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Lestor Young is brought in to be questioned even though he doesn't know why. You, Dean, and Eliot have the room–the scary cop, the bad cop, and the good cop. If Lestor doesn't want to talk, then you have ways to persuade him. If he gets mouthy, then Dean can set him straight. If he's too scared to talk, then Eliot plays the sympathetic one. However, as soon as Lestor sees you, that plan flies out the window.

"Sweetheart, could you bring me a glass of water? Make it snappy."

"I hate how women were treated back then," you mutter to yourself. "I'm the police, you jackass."

That shuts him up.

"Yeah, I ain't talking. I'm no stoolie," he crosses his arms.

Dean rears his fist back to punch him, but you catch it before he can do damage. Dean looks at you and backs up because he knows you can get him talking. Eliot doesn't know what you're going to do, but he's definitely curious. You approach Lestor who just stares at you cockily. You walk around him so that you're behind him when you kneel down only slightly to be at his level. You would play nice here, but you're on a time crunch and can't afford to waste any time on this.

Magic stems from your right wrist and slowly moves up your palm until it's at your fingertips. The tiny ball of magic shoots out of your hand and into Lestor's left temple. His head absorbs the magic as his eyes shine a bright blue. They dim after seconds, but the damage has already been done. Lestor is seeing his worst fears come to life despise nothing actually happening.

"You see that Lestor?" you whisper into his ear. "Keep playing the tough guy because this can get worse."

Lestor whimpers in fear and looks all around the room at what's not really there. You let this go on for a couple of minutes before the magic wears off. You back up with a smirk knowing that he is going to cooperate.

"Look, you seem like a swell guy, Lester," Eliot starts. Dean takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves. You make the mistake of looking over at him. An involuntarily moan bubbles up your throat, and you try and pass it off as a cough. Dean, on the other hand, hears it for what it is and just smirks. "I want to help you out. I do, but my partners here? He just back from the war, and he's spent the last two years kicking in Nazi skulls. If he doesn't kick in a skull every couple of days, he gets real touchy. And her? Well, no one is supposed to know this, but she's traveled the world as a double agent."

"Lester. That a German name?" Dean asks, smirking.

"Hey, okay, okay. There's no need to snap your cap. W-who you looking for?" Lestor stutters.

"Fella by the name of Snider."

"What, that guy? I mean, bum never missed a bet, but he gave me the heebie-jeebies, so I cut him off."

"Where would you meet him for the payoff?"

Lestor hesitates, so you take one threatening step forward, and he visibly shakes in fear.

"T-the Early Bird! It's a dive on Haggerty. Practically lives in the joint."

"Thank you. That will be all," you smile sweetly.

Lestor is free to go, and he practically runs out of the place. Eliot knows exactly where this diner is, and thankfully, it's only up the road. Instead of going inside and potentially running your cover since he's seen you and Dean before, you stay in the car and stake out the place. You can spot him inside the joint at the counter just drinking something and staring at someone you can't see. The structure of the building prevents you from doing so.

"Kind of puny for a God," Eliot comments.

Eliot takes a flask from his jacket and takes a swig, offering it to you and Dean, though you don't take it.

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