Survival of the Fittest: Part Two

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You grab Joanna and walk to the bedroom so you can get ready as well as get her ready. You set her on the bed and watch as she stands and bounces on the bed gently. You chuckle and grab one of your shirts from the drawers. You look at the shirt and just sigh, taking a seat on the end of the bed. You've been waiting for this moment for months, to kill Dick for killing your father. You have all the ingredients, you have the weapon, now you just need a plan of attack.

You're so much in your own head that you don't hear the bedroom door open and your husband walk in.

"You okay?"

"This has to work Dean," you sigh and look up at him. "If it doesn't, he's going to kill us and Joanna. That's a guarantee."

"That's the exact reason why this is going to work. You're a damn light witch, and the best one at that."

"I want him dead for what he did," you say emotionally, sniffling to keep the tears in.

"You're going to get the chance to avenge your dad's death. We'll make sure Joanna is out of harm's way. We'll keep her with Sam and have him hang back if that will make you feel better."

"I love you."

You stand up and kiss him with everything you got, keeping in mind your daughter who has no idea what is going on. You pull away and turn to the bed to get dressed when your daughter does something you knew was coming for a while now but didn't know it would be now. Dean starts to leave the room, but she doesn't want him to go just yet. The bed isn't as hard as the floor, so she wobbles and falls a few times as she tries to run to him.

"Dada," she says, reaching out to him.

Both yours and Dean's jaws drop but for different reasons.

"Traitor," you gasp playfully.

"What the hell did she just say?" Dean gasps.

"Dada!" Joanna says again, reaching out for him.

"Yes, I'm your daddy!" Dean laughs happily.

He picks Joanna up and spins her around, kissing her cheeks.

"Do you know who I am?" you ask her, taking her tiny hands between two fingers.

"Dada!" she squeals.

You look at Dean and see hints of tears in his eyes. You know how much this means to him, and you're glad he got to have this moment.

"Are you okay?" you chuckle.

"I'm just happy," he whispers truthfully.

You haven't seen that smile in a long time, and you're glad he has it now.

"Well, you definitely got a Daddy's girl. Come on, let's get ready."

You quickly change into more comfortable clothing before leaving the bedroom. You smile widely when you hear Dean talking to his baby girl as if she can talk in full sentences. You have no clue what is going to happen later, but you're glad you got to her hear first word and see her first steps.

You don't know what's going to happen, but you have a feeling it won't be good.


You're finally outside of Sucrocorp, but you have to have a plan instead of going in half-assed. You have to scout the area, see where Dick is, and then follow up with a plan. There are three of you, so you have more wiggle room here. Dean parked a ways away from the building, using binoculars to see while Sam is using his laptop to get into the cameras using whatever Charlie left on his laptop.

"You got it yet?"

"Here we go."

You scoot further up so you're right behind the brothers to see the laptop. Sam's laptop shows footage of the board room where a meeting is still in progress. Dick is sitting there talking to his fellow Leviathans, and your eyes narrow.

"Thank you, Charlie, wherever you are," Sam mutters.

"Got you, Dick."

"Yeah, that's the second floor." The screen changes to show more cameras, one of which is the camera right outside Dick's office where you can clearly see him sitting at his office, alone. "What the hell? Is that Dick?"

The screen now shows footage of Dick walking alone in a hallway.

"Son of a bitch. This motherfucker told everyone to look like him so we wouldn't know who the real Dick is," you curse.

"Cycle through again," Dean orders.

While Sam is doing that, you grab the binoculars and notice someone walking to the front door. When you clear your vision, you notice it's the maid you saw at the motel when you left Emily all alone. It's the same motel room your dad went missing from.

"Son of a bitch," you curse.


"That's the maid from the motel. The room where my dad disappeared to. We found him." The maid walks to the building in determination. "Oh no, dad, what are you doing?"

"Wait. Are you saying that Bobby--"

"Look, just, uh, wait here."

"I'll go with you," Sam says.

"Are you two out of your mind?"

"Don't worry, Dean. I have the weapon, you have eyes on Dick, plural. We'll take care of my dad. We'll be right back."

"Sam! Y/N!"

You and Sam leave the car without waiting for Dean's response. You two rush over to the maid before she could even enter the building and alert all the Leviathans there. Sam decides to take the direct approach while you hang back just in case something bad happens. Sam rushes in front of the maid, holding his hands to stop her.

"Bobby? I know you're in there. Listen to me. There are cameras everywhere. There's one right there." Sam points to one nearby. "Stop, okay? You're gonna get her killed." Your dad pushes Sam to the ground as hard as he can, but that doesn't stop Sam from getting back up and trying again. "Bobby! Damn it! How are you gonna kill Dick, huh? You can't!"

Your dad takes out a large knife from one of the maid's pockets.

"Good enough for me," she says in a distorted voice.

Your dad slashes at Sam to get him to move out of his way, and you gasp at his behavior. Sam looks up at the security camera and practically tackles your dad to the ground behind a parked vehicle to stay out of sight of the cameras.

"No! I'm not letting you go."

"Get out of here, Sam. You too, Y/N."

"No!" you yell.

Your dad slams Sam into the car and grabs his throat, squeezing it tightly.

"Daddy! Please stop!" you squeak, tears leaking from your eyes.

Your dad turns and looks at how scared you are. You would use your magic, but you don't want to end up hurting the poor woman that he is inhabiting. Your dad knows how reckless he's being, so he forces himself off Sam and leaves the woman's body so that he's a ghost again. The woman falls to the ground, but before she could crack her head open, you rush to catch her.

"We can't be here."

Sam coughs as he gathers himself. Your dad's flask is inside the maid's pockets, so you take it and place it in your own. Once Sam can breathe properly, he scoops the woman into his arms. You can't get Dick tonight because of what your dad pulled, so you'll have to score for tomorrow. If Dick was here all day today, then you know he is going to be here all day tomorrow. You and Sam bring the woman to the car where Dean is as confused as ever.

"What the hell happened?" Dean wonders.

"Just drive. We'll explain later."

Dean has no choice but to listen.

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