The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo: Part One

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The feeling you got when your dad died was one of the worst feelings you've ever felt in your entire life. When your mom died, you were just a kid and didn't know what death truly meant. When Ellen and Jo died, you were sad, of course, but you didn't feel for them what you felt for your mom or even your dad. When your dad died, it was like someone ripped a piece of you away and tore it apart.

You didn't know that you could ever feel worse than you did on that day. You hated the person it made you. You shut everyone out and turned into a worse version of yourself. You almost hurt a child who just wanted to find her dad. After letting out everything you tried to shut out, you made a vow to yourself that you wouldn't feel that way ever again.

Then, your dad shows up, and all of that flies out of the window.

You've been ignoring him as much as you can because maybe if you tried to distance yourself, then it would be easier to deal with. If you let yourself feel even a fraction of what you went through, then you'll turn back into a shell of yourself. It sucks, but that's the reality. You thought you wanted your dad back, and you did, but you didn't think about what that truly meant.

You're trying to busy yourself by doing meaningless chores and taking care of Joanna, but that's only going to work only for so long until your dad becomes a more pressing issue. The more you hunt, the more he is going to want to come along and try to help, the more he will become a vengeful spirit. You decided to cool it for a while and just do some research on Dick and the dig sites that Dean managed to find before that case with Annie.

You've been holed up in your dad's cabin for a whole month trying to figure out where the hell Dick is, what he wants, and what he's going to use it for once he gets it. You'd help the brothers with it, but you know it's only going to end up in frustrations. To distract you, you've been playing with Joanna more and getting her used to her walking toy. She's been using it for a while now, so you've set up barriers so she won't be able to go outside of them.

It's an easy way to keep an eye on her as she walks and plays with her toys. She's already ten months old, and to you, it seems like yesterday that you gave birth to her. Man, time really does go by fast. Sam is talking on the phone with Nora, the witch that helped you with Jeffrey and the demon you thought you took care of about four years ago. She might know something on what Dick's been digging. Dean is on the couch looking at the lore of the areas around the dig sites in hopes that something might pop up.

Not knowing what Dick is looking for really scares you because it could be anything.

"Yeah, I hear you. Alright. Well, thanks for looking," Sam says and hangs up with a sigh. "So, Nora didn't see any pattern to the dig sites either."

"Yeah, 'cause they got nothing in common. I got nothing from local lore fifty miles in every direction of all of them. I mean, it's like they're just... old dirt. What's Dick looking for?"

Dean takes a sip from the flask, and the lights start to flicker. You resist rolling your eyes at your dad's presence. You're going to have to deal with this sooner rather than later, but you're opting to choose the latter. Both brothers stand up in alert, swiveling around when your dad appears right behind them.

"Hey, hey, go easy, you idjits. Sorry for the jump scare."

"So, how does this work, huh? I leave the cap off and you just genie your way out?" Dean asks and holds up the flask.

"I wish it were that easy. The thing--" Suddenly, he flickers and disappears again only to reappear seconds later. "Damn it. It's hard to stay focused. I'm still kind of worn out."

"You've been pretty busy for a dead guy," you say from your spot by Joanna.

"Alright. Listen. I-I don't know how long before my next ghost nap, so let's just skip to the shit--those numbers I gave you."

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