The Only One I Got Left

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(WARNING: overthinking and talk about death)
Background Knowledge:
Phil and Wilbur are dead

   It's been years since Phil and Wilbur died in battle. It was the war to end all wars. I still couldn't get the horrible images out of my head of how they died. All I remember is Technoblade pulling me away from the scene and comforting me. So it was just Techno and I were left out of our family but we haven't seen each after the war ended. It was because Techno had gotten badly wounded, saving me from a spear to the heart. I didn't see where it hit him as people had already rushed over, pushing me out of the way. When he went to the hospital I couldn't bring myself to visit him so I didn't. I don't even know if he's dead, still in the hospital, or alive. I felt guilty but I couldn't bring myself to be hurt more to know that he was dead if he was. But it didn't matter because he was better off without me a kid who only caused him trouble and pain. "Tommy?" I heard a deep voice come from behind me. I turn around to see Ranboo standing in the doorway with a faint smile. I started living with Tubbo and Ranboo after the war when my house got destroyed. They had been very kind to let me stay with them and we were kind to give me food and check up on me on a daily bases.
"Tommy I think you should visit him," Ranboo said quietly but also sternly. I stared at the Enderman hybrid. When Ranboo said he, "He" meant Technoblade.
"But" Ranboo put a hand up to cut me off.
"No, Tubbo found where he is living. He's alive and you should go see your brother, it's been years and you need to let your grief out and talk to your older brother after everything that has happened. And besides, it's his birthday," Ranboo explained. I looked at him shocked. Today was Techno's birthday, I didn't even notice. He would be 31 today. I remembered the times when we were younger how Phil, Wilbur, and I always surprised him. He didn't like his birthday but he always smiled when we did surprise him. It made me smile to see we could make him happy on his special day.
"Alright I'll go and visit him," I said quietly, fiddling with my fingers.
"Good, now you better be off," Tubbo said, coming from the doorway. He handed me a bag, a cake, a compass, and a jacket.
"It's chilly in the Arctic so be careful," Tubbo said.
"I will, thank you guys," I said. They nodded and I go off on my adventure.

   Here I am, standing on the deck of my brother's house. I'm in front of the door trying to get myself to knock on the wooden door. But I couldn't stop hesitating. What if he doesn't want to see me? How much did he change? Would he be the same Technoblade? Would he be mean and cold-hearted or kind and make me feel safe? Would he even recognize me? I shook my head violently. I took a shaking breath, lifting my hand to knock but stopped mid-knock when I felt a cold metal on the back of my neck. I put my hands up and turn around slowly. I was met with a skeleton pig mask. It was Techno I knew it was Techno. Even though he looked different. He had cut his hair about shoulder length and it was brown with only pink highlights. He looked taller and leaner. He had even more scars all over him. And like I said he had a skeleton-pig masked on instead of a regular pig one. He looked so different but I still felt the same aura of comfort and safety.
"Tommy?" Techno question in the monotone voice I grew to miss. Techno brought his sword down slowly as I nodded my head.
"Hey Techno," I said softly holding out the cake, "Happy Birthday."

"What are you doing here?" Techno asked, handing me a glass of water and fork.
"W-we haven't seen each other since the war," I whispered. Technoblade only shook his head.
"You didn't try to see me," Techno said with a hint of sadness, "I asked about you Tommy when I left the hospital, no one knew where you were, I thought you died." I look down. I felt tears threatening to fall. He went looking for me but I didn't do that for him.
"I-I was too scared to hear that you d-died and I was still upset about what happened with Wilbur and Phil," I said. Techno looked at me saying nothing. He turned his head to look at the fire pit.
"Phil and Wilbur," he said quietly to himself. He then stood up slowly and hugged me. I hugged back.
"We're all we got left Toms, we need to be there for each other," Techno said. I nodded into his shoulders as I let out a sad cry. I haven't been able to actually grieve and it's finally getting to me.
"I'm sorry Techno, I missed you so much I don't know what I would've done if you died like that, that's why I couldn't go to the hospital, I couldn't stand hearing the news that you might be dead." I cried out. Technoblade didn't say anything but he didn't need to. He hugged me tighter. We stayed that way for a few minutes before Technoblade quietly started to talk. "I'm here Tommy don't worry I've got you." I sniffled a bit before looking at my brother. He was the only one I've got left.

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