Icarus is Flying to Close to the Sun

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WARNING: Death, small panic attack, and suicidal thoughts

Wilbur is dead before the disc war has happened and other stuff is going to be different as well.

     Tommy walked around the Smp tears threaten to slip. He rubbed his eyes harshly. He missed Wilbur, he missed Phil and he missed Technoblade. Wilbur was dead and now there was ghostbur but it wasn't the same. And Phil and Technoblade he hasn't seen in years. He felt alone. He wanted someone, he needed someone. And that's when he met Dream. He felt like he had someone once he met Dream. He felt like he had someone care for him again. But of course, that ended. Dream and him started to grow apart, steal from each other one being Tommy's disc. This had started the disc war. Tommy sat on a bench as the rain started to pour. He was tired. He had scars all over him some were bleeding. He was only a teenager, he was still in high school and yet he had to make mature decisions. A decision he shouldn't need to think about. Tommy stared up at the sky. The sun lightly peaked through the clouds. Tommy reached his hand out as if he was trying to grab it. He sighed slowly as the clouds cover it again. He closed his eyes, letting the rain soak his clothes and hair. "Of course, you're trying to get sick," Tommy heard a deep voice chuckled. He felt no rain drops hitting him anymore. He looked up to see an umbrella above him. The person moved the umbrella a bit so Tommy could see their face. Pink hair flowed from the cold wind while some pieces stuck to the pale skin. Red eyes glowed softly at him. Tommy smiled. He jumped up and tackled the pinknette into a hug. A hug he so desperately needed. Techno smiled, patting the blonde's hair.
"Let's get you inside," Technoblade said quietly. He stood up and helped Tommy up. Tommy stared at Technoblade as Techno helped him sit down.
"Are you okay Toms?" Technoblade asked.
"I just- I'm tired Techno," Tommy said, tears slipping. Techno looked at Tommy quietly, waiting for him to continue. "I just want to be done, I want to leave." Tommy started to breathe heavily. Techno grabbed Tommy's shoulders gently and slowly brought him into a hug Techno rubbed Tommy's back. Technoblade understood what Tommy was saying. He couldn't get over the fact of Tommy killing himself. He didn't know what he'd do without the boy. As annoying as he was Technoblade loved him so very much.
"Hey Toms, I-I love you," Technoblade said quietly. Tommy froze and then relaxed.
"I love you too Tech, thank you for being a good brother," Tommy spoke.
"It's no problem Icarus," Techno said.
"I thought I was Theseus?" Tommy questioned quietly.
"Well now your Icarus," Techno chuckled and so did Tommy. Tommy held onto Technoblade tighter. He didn't want to let go. With Techno he felt at home and safe.

     Tommy stood face to face with Dream. Tommy was backing away from Dream trying to go back on the bridge but Sam closed it. "Uh, Sam!" Tommy yelled in fear. Dream pinned Tommy to the ground. Tommy screamed. This was it. He saw the sun. He saw the bright hot sun. He reached out for it he was able to touch it he was so close to it. He felt the heat melting his skin.

TommyInnit was Slain by Dream

Phil read the message his face frowning. He pushed tears away. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Icarus had flown too close to the sun," he heard Technoblade say quietly as he tried not to choke on his own tears. Phil looked up at the sky the sun shine bright and he nodded sadly.

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