Snow Day

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Tommy and Tubbo: 10
Technoblade and Wilbur: 15
Philza: . . .old. . . . . ?

Tommy looked out the window seeing Wilbur outside building a snowman. "Phil! Can I go outside and play with Wilbur!?" Tommy asked.
"Sure Toms, just remember to put your warmer coat on," Phil said. Tommy nodded grabbing his thicker coat and running outside to where Wilbur was rolling a huge snowball.
"Will can I help!" Tommy asked.
"Sure," Wilbur said. Tommy ran up to his older brother and helped him roll the big snowball.
"Do you have mittens, Tommy?" Technoblade asked, walking outside. Tommy shook his head no.
"Go get them we'll wait," Techno said. Tommy quickly ran back to the house.

    Wilbur watched as Technoblade picked up a pile of snow and started to create a small ball. "What are you doing?" Wilbur asked his twin. Tommy came running back and Techno put his hand back.
"This," Techno threw the snowball and it hit Tommy right in the face. Wilbur laughed at Tommy's reaction.
"Hey!" Tommy yelled. Techno only chuckled, throwing another snowball at him. "Stop!" Technoblade stopped forming another snowball and looked at Tommy. Tommy sighed with relief.
"Thank y-"  he got cut off by a snowball hitting him. "Hey!" Wilbur and Technoblade laughed.
"That's it, I'm getting back up,"

Tommy stomped off to the house next to his. He knocked on the and Tubbo answered. "Tubbo we are at war follow me," Tommy said dragging the shorter kid to where his older brothers were. Phil had come out to help with Wilbur's snowman. While Technoblade stood there with a snowball in his hand.
"I don't think I wanna go to war with Technoblade," Tubbo said nervously.
"Please Tubbo I need you," Tommy begged.
"Thank y-" Tommy got hit with a snowball again. "Oh come on!" Tommy grabbed a snowball and went to throw it at Technoblade while Techno laughed.
"I think you missed Tommy."
"No dip."

The three boys continue to throw snowballs while Phil and Wilbur were finding twigs and rocks. Tommy went and aimed at Technoblade but stopped when he felt freezing snow hit him in the back of his head. Tommy turned around to see Tubbo who was shocked. "Uh, sorry Tommy!" Tubbo said. Technoblade laughed in the distance.
"Betrayal, you betrayed me Tubbo!" Tommy said offended.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to the snowball just broke when I went to throw it," Tubbo said. Tommy stared at Tubbo and Tubbo stared at Tommy.
"If you guys are done with this scene of yours," Technoblade said, shoving a pile of snow on Tubbo's head.

Soon Tubbo joined force with Technoblade which ended up in Tommy losing which he was from the beginning. After their battle, they went to the house where Phil and Wilbur already were by the fire. "Hey, I made hot chocolate," Phil said with a smile. The three boys nodded and Phil poured them three hot chocolate. They went and sat by the fire. It was a peaceful silence as no one spoke. The only noise was the fire crackled and soft music playing in the background.

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