
163 4 0

Start in:
Wilbur: 16
Tommy: 6
End in:
Wilbur: 26
Tommy: 16

    Wilbur sat in the backyard against a tree. The weather wasn't too hot or cold. It was a perfect autumn day as the leaves fell. It gave Wilbur some inspiration with all the pretty colors. He strummed on his guitar and then wrote some notes down on the paper. Wilbur started to hum, trying to find lyrics to go with it. It was quiet only the soft wind and Wilbur's guitar could be heard. "Wilbur!?" A childish loud voice shouted interrupted the peaceful silence. "Wilbur!" Wilbur sighed and placed his guitar against the tree.
"Yes, Tommy?" Wilbur asks the young blonde as he came up to him.
Tommy shoved a paper in Wilbur's face and smiled. "Look what I made!" Tommy gleamed. Wilbur moved Tommy's hands away and grabbed the paper. It was a drawing. Very messy but Wilbur could make it out. It was him with a guitar and microphone on stage in front of people or at least he believes those black circles are supposed to be people.
"This is going to be you when you get older," Tommy said with an even bigger and brighter smile.
"Thanks, Toms," Wilbur said pulling Tommy into a hug and ruffling his hair. "I'll keep this forever."
"Will stop!" Tommy whined, "I wanna hear the song so far." Wilbur nodded, grabbed his guitar, and started playing. Tommy swayed to the music, closing his eyes. The smile never left his face.

     Wilbur stood by the stairs tapping his foot anxiously. He tried his best to hype himself up. It was his first performance in front of people. He wanted everything to go right. He wanted people to like him. But what if they didn't? What if he makes a fool of himself? Wilbur shook his head trying to get those thoughts out of his head. He reached in his pocket pulling out a piece of paper. It was the drawing that Tommy gave him so long ago. He smiled at it. "Wilbur Soot?" A woman asked with a headset on and a clipboard in hand. Wilbur quickly folded the paper and nodded.
"Your up," she said.
"Alright," Wilbur said quietly. The women led Wilbur up the stairs to the curtains.
"Your on," a man said quietly.
"Okay," Wilbur walked on stage. Eyes turn to him and he gulped. He slowly went to the mic his hands shaking. He looked at the faces in the audience when he stopped at one. A teen with blonde hair walked in with a huge grin playful grin. He stared at Wilbur with a reassuring smile. He was here. Tommy was here. Tommy nodded his head and Wilbur grabbed his guitar. He strums the first cord and Tommy started to cheer. Wilbur chuckled quietly before he started to sing the lyrics.

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