Peer Pressure

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(WARNING: Death and panic attack)

There Tommy stood on the stage. The exact place Technoblade stood when he killed Tubbo. He looked at the man in front of him, tears threatening to fall from Tommy's eyes. "Tommy it's okay, just kill him and everything will go back to the good old days," Tubbo said gently, grabbing on to Tommy's shoulder.
"I-I can't," Tommy stuttered.
"Tommy, hey, it's okay," the man in front of him said.
"No! You're my brother I can't!" Tommy shouted.
"Don't you want to prove your loyalty to us, to me Tommy?" Tubbo asked.
"Yes but-."
"Tommy it's okay, I deserve this, and I rather it be you than anyone else as I had hurt you so much," his brother interrupted. 
"Come on Tommy," Dreams voice whispered. Tommy slowly and shakily loaded the crossbow. "Aim right at the heart." Tommy let a shaky breath out. His brother didn't say or do anything but give a small smile.
"I'm sorry Blade." Tommy pulled the trigger as the firework arrow exploded. Everyone around them stood still. When the firework particles disappear no one was there. Communicators went off. The message read -Technoblade was slain by Tommyinnit- Most people cheered while some looked away or left in sadness and anger. Tommy. He fell to his knees and screamed. He pulled at his hair as tears poured out. Why did he do it? He loved his brother. He was pressured but he could've done something to prevent this. He wondered if this is what Techno felt like when he killed Tubbo. Feeling pressured to kill someone and not knowing what to do. He knew Technoblade didn't care for Tubbo as much as Tommy cared for Technoblade but was the pressure the same. If he was in Tubbo's position would Technoblade do more to prevent him from dying? He knew he would. He knew when Techno said he fight the world for him that he met it.
"Tommy, calm down, it's okay," Tubbo said resting an arm around his shoulder. Tommy shoved Tubbo away.
"No! It's your fault! I'm done! Get away!" Tommy yelled as he tried to gather his words. He grabbed an ender eye and pearled away.

Tommy sat in one of Technoblade's rooms. The channel member bell is next to him. Tommy whimpered at the memories. He looked at the crown on the table across from him. He got up with the red cape that was once his brother around his shoulders. He touches the cold gold metal as he places it on his head. He remembered when Technoblade told him that he would be a king. It made Tommy let a small sad smile. "I'm sorry Blade."

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