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I thought this would be a good chapter to post after what happened, I'm going to keep the name Dave in since it is more for the Minecraft character if that makes sense.

In the beginning
William(Wilbur): 14
Dave(Techno): 14
At the end:
Wilbur: 22
Techno: 22

3rd POV:
    William and Dave are twins. They both looked so much alike that it sometimes confused people. They've been told how much they looked like they lost count. But what gives it away is their personalities. William was more of the outgoing, bubbly, musician while Dave was more of the shy, nervous wreck. William would usually be the one to help Dave with his anxiety and to not be scared. Dave also was more concerned about academics than William, who was failing.

"Hey, Dave are you ready for school?" Phil asked. Dave shook his head playing with his hands.
"Come on Dave, it'll be fine," William said. The family had moved and today was the twin's first day of school. It was their Freshman year of high school.
"I-I guess," Dave stuttered, still nervous.
"Hey if you need anything let me know," William said. Dave looked at his twin before nodding. William grabbed Dave's hand and dragged him out the door.
"Bye Phil! We'll see you when we get home!" William said. Closing the door.

    Dave fumbled with his book as he tries to open his locker with shaky hands. It was the 5th period and Dave didn't have any friends yet. It was lunchtime and Dave placed his books in his locker and grabbed his lunchbox. He closed his locker and slowly made his way to the lunchroom where it was already crowded with people in their friend groups. Dave's breathing hitched. He was starting to have bad anxiety, and his ADHD not helping him either. "Dave!" He heard someone yell with a small giggle.

    William walked into lunch talking to a group of people. Almost half of the school knew who William was. People waved and high-fived him. He was already becoming a popular kid. William sat down with his new friends talking and laughing. He was having a blast. He looked over one of his friend's heads to see his twin brother. He frowned, knowing he didn't have anyone to sit with.
"Are you guys fine if my brother sits with us?" William asked. His friends nodded. "Dave!" He shouted. His brother looked his way. William walked over to his brother and dragged him to his table.
"Guys this is my twin brother Dave," William said with a bright and proud smile. Dave looked at his shoes nervous but still gave a small wave.
"You guys look so similar!" One of the girls said. William chuckled knowing that someone was going to say that.

8 years later

   Wilbur walked out of his house with his guitar strapped to his back. Wilbur had changed. For starters, he now went by Wilbur. He let the front of his brunette hair grow. He was taller and tanner. He had a more insane smile now. He was a big-time musician and was a former president of a nation. Wilbur had walked out of his house very stressed. There was a war going on. Tommy and he got exiled by Schlatt. Many people started to rebel and joined them in Pogtopia. Times like these he wished he had his twin to help him. He hasn't seen him in a few years. They went their separate ways after high school ended. You probably wondering about holidays. Well when Wilbur came home and asked about Dave, Phil would say he couldn't make it. He was never able to make it. It irritated Wilbur. He didn't understand why he never came, maybe not for him but Phil and Tommy.
"Wilbur guess what!" Tommy said running over to his older brother.
"What?" Wilbur asked.
"I convinced the Blade to help us," Tommy said. Wilbur raised a brow.
"He helped me against Sapnap, I would've lost if he wasn't there!" Tommy exclaimed, "He was so pog Will!"
"Are you sure it's a good idea, Tommy?" Wilbur asked, he heard about Technoblade or the Blade as Tommy refers to him as. Technoblade was feared by many people. And Tommy had idolized him for such a long time. Tommy had always said he wanted to learn how to fight as he did.
"I'm sure Will, just have a talk with him and then decide," Tommy said.
"Alright," Wilbur huffed out a sigh.

Dave had changed a lot. He let his hair grow and he died it pink. His once brown eyes were a dark ruby red. Dave was much taller and muscular. He was really strong and he was a little more out there. He was more violent too. And not shy what's so ever but yet he was still anti-social. Dave or Technoblade as he goes by now was resting against a tree waiting, with his skeleton pig mask on and weapons hanging from his waist. Tommy had convinced Techno to help him out. So he was waiting to help out. Tommy had found out Techno was Dave and ever since he never left Techno alone. Technoblade was dozing off when he stopped after hearing Tommy's voice. "Sapnap there's one thing I have that you'll never, ever have." Tommy paused, "I have the Blade." Techno pearled in and people freaked out. Techno started attacking as Tommy cheered.

After the fight, Tommy kept saying how pog he was. "Oh Techno you were so pog, I'm so glad you helped out," Tommy said.
"Yeah, well if you weren't my brother I would've said no," Techno said.
"True but still," Tommy said. Technoblade sighed at the boy and sat down on the ground. Tommy plopped down next to the blade.
"Hey, would you want to overthrow a government?" Tommy asked. Techno looked at Tommy.
"Overthrow a government?" Techno repeated sounding interested. He smiled a bit at the thought of destroying a government.
"Yep and bonus you get to see Wilbur or William in your case," Tommy said. Technoblade's smile dropped and he stared at Tommy before sighing.
"Fine," Techno said.
"Yes thank you Techno!" Tommy cheered, hugging the frowning man.

     Tommy brought Techno to where Wilbur was waiting for them. Wilbur felt nervous to meet the scary Technoblade, the blood god himself. Technoblade was nervous too, about how William or Wilbur will react to him being Dave. Techno kept telling himself to tell Wilbur. "Wilbur here is the Blade," Tommy said enthusiastically. Wilbur stood up straight and looked at Techno. Techno looked back studying him. He change a lot but his posture was still bad.
"It's nice to me you Technoblade," Wilbur brought his hand out to shake. Techno put his hand to Wilbur's face. He took his mask off and Wilbur stared. His arm falling to his side and mouth-foaming an o shape.
"Dave?" Wilbur asked.
"Yeah, surprise to see me," he said in a low voice. Wilbur couldn't speak, he just nodded. He hugged Techno and Techno chuckled.
"How are you so scary now," Wilbur asked. Techno shrugged.
"Hey, guys what's going on?" Tubbo asked, coming out of the base.
"Nothing really, this is Techno, he's my twin brother," Wilbur said.
"He's your brother," Tubbo said shocked.
"Well that gonna be a new one," Techno muttered and Wilbur laughed.

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