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Jschlatt is Tubbo's father
Technoblade: 12
Wilbur: 12
Tommy: 7
Tubbo: 8

"Thank you Schlatt for watching the kids," Phil said. The two males looked over at the kids. Techno and Wilbur sat on the couch looking at them. Techno with a bored expression and Wilbur with a small smile. While Tommy and Tubbo sat on the floor with innocent looks on their faces.
"It's not a problem, have fun at your meeting," I said.
"I will and thank you, kids be good, bye!" Phil said quickly and flew off. I close the door and looked at the kids. Tommy and Wilbur were already fighting, shoving and yanking at each other, Tubbo coming in the middle to stop them. I sighed. This is gonna be a long day.

"Dad look I helped!" Tubbo said with flour all over his face.
"Oh Tubbo your face," I whipped his face.
"Tommy stop!" Wilbur yelled chasing Tommy who has Wilbur's beanie. I sighed and walked out of the kitchen. I looked at the couch where Techno was reading a book quietly not even looking affected. I went over to him and sat down.
"Hey, whatcha reading?" I asked him. Techno kept his eyes on the book.
"The art of war," he said turning a page.
How can you read with all the noise?" I asked him. Techno shrugged.
"When you live with them, you get used to it, they'll settle down at some point," Techno said. "Maybe," he said quietly.
"Right," I said, "I'll leave you to your book." I walk away to see Tubbo with flour on his face again and the kitchen a mess.
"Tubbo!" I freaked.
"Sorry," He said looking down. I walked over to Tubbo and started cleaning his face again.

"You imbecile!" Techno shouted hitting Wilbur in the back of the head with his damaged book. Schlatt groaned. Techno had finally come into the chaos after Tommy and Wilbur burned his book. Tommy jumped on Techno's shoulder. Techno flipped Tommy over him and kneeing him in the chest. I tried to stop them but Tubbo clanged on my leg while watching the three boys fight. Technoblade grabbed his two brothers by the ear and set them on the couch. He hit them both in the head hard. They rubbed their heads but quieted down.

    I was cleaning up the mess as the boys threw pillows. Techno found a different book and was reading it while the commotion goes on around him. Tubbo hits Tommy and Tommy went for Wilbur. Wilbur ducked and it hit Techno in the head. I stopped what I was doing and so did the other three. The three of them looked terrified. Technoblade closed his book slowly taking a breath out and turned around. He stared at them for a second and then threw a pillow at Tommy and they all started throwing pillows again. "Come on dad join us," Tubbo said hitting my head with a pillow.
"Alright," I said grabbing a pillow with a laugh.

   I opened the door and Phil walked in. "Hey, how were they?" Phil said worriedly.
"What I was not expecting but fine," I said.
"Sorry if they caused you trouble," Phil said with an apologetic look.
"No, no it's fine," I responded with a slight chuckle.
"Well then we Best be on our way, come on boy," he said, "thank you Schlatt." Wilbur and Tommy walked out fighting with each other and Technoblade walked out with a book in his hand reading it. He stopped in front of me and handed me a couple pieces of gold.
"For your troubles," Techno said and then he walked away with his book in his face. I smiled and waved goodbye.

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