The Voices

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(WARNING: Blood, Death, panic attack, and self-harm)

      "Techno what are you doing awake?" Phil asked. Techno had tears in his eyes.
"The voice they are," Techno got cut off by his sobbing. Phil pulled him into a hug. Techno had recently developed voices in his head. They would chant random things positive or negative but mostly negative. But recently they have been getting worse.
Phil rubbed the back of Techno's back shushing him.
"It's okay Techno you are in control of them, you tell them to stop," Phil said sternly to Techno. Techno nodded with a yawn.
"Come on let's get you to bed," Phil guided his son to his room.

    Techno woke up abruptly, the voices basically screaming at him. 'Blood, blood, BLOOD,' they chanted. Techno shook his head violently. He stood up his eyes shutting tight. 'Blood for the blood god,' the voice kept shouting. "No!" Techno screamed. He placed his hand on the nightstand feeling light-headed. He felt his head spinning his knees started to wobble. Techno fell to the ground and the vase on the nightstand shattered. Glass shards cut into Techno's skin. But he didn't feel like crying and he wasn't in pain. He smiled. The voices were happy with the blood. They didn't care who's blood it was. "Techno!" Phil said running into the room with Wilbur. Phil stopped and stepped in front of Wilbur to block the boy from the sight that Phil saw.
"What happened Techno!?" Phil asked.
"The voices wanted blood," Techno said with a grin. Phil looked terrified.
"Will check on Tommy and set some towels on the bathroom sink," Phil instructed.  Wilbur nodded and ran out. Phil walked slowly over to Technoblade.
"Let's get you cleaned up," Phil said helping Techno stand. They walk into the bathroom and Phil sets Techno on the sink. Phil pulled the towel out and started to wipe the blood off. The voices had slowly quieted down and Techno felt like he snapped back into reality. He started sobbing violently.
"I'm sorry, I-I scared you and Will, I-I"
"Hey it's okay Tech," Phil said interrupting Techno. "You couldn't control them, but I promise you we will work on it, you will be in control of the voices." Techno nodded as tears were still in his eyes. Phil brought his hands to Technoblade's face and pulled his chin up to look at him.
"Say it with me Techno," Phil calmly said, "I am in control of myself I chose what I do not the voices."
"I-I am in control of myself, I chose what I do, not the voices," Techno repeated with a faint smile. Phil smiled as well and patted Techno's head.
"You will learn to not give in to them."

    "Here's the thing is Tommy, the voice demand blood, and they don't care who it is," Technoblade spoke. Tommy had betrayed Technoblade. Techno had fought for L'manburg just for Tommy just so he can make it a government again. Techno was sick and tired of Tommy betraying him.
"Techno, y-you said you wouldn't give in you said you wouldn't!" Tommy said scared. Everyone else around them was confused. Technoblade chuckled.
"Tommy, I never gave in to them, but they never go away, they had only been quiet but now there mad Tommy because of you," Technoblade said with a villainous smile. He pulled out his sword and started walking toward Tommy.
"B-but your, my brother!" Tommy said. Techno stopped in his tracks.
"So I'm your brother now?" Techno questioned. "Then why do you use me, Tommy! You use me as a weapon Tommy you don't see me as a person or your brother, you see me as the Blade!"  Tommy stares at Techno not knowing what to say. Technoblade's mind was going crazy. Some of the voices demand blood and to kill Tommy, others demanding him to walk away and spare Tommy, 'he's your brother, just a teenager that doesn't know better.' Techno shook his head and looked at Tommy. Tommy was staring at Technoblade with pleading eyes. The voice demanding blood got louder. Techno couldn't control it. He ran at his little brother shoving him to the ground. He swings his sword down towards Tommy's head.
"Techno, you don't need to give in to them!" He heard Phil. Techno foot was standing on Tommy's chest and the sword was an inch from killing Tommy.
"Techno, you are in control of them," Phil said, flying down to them. "Don't kill Tommy because the voices told you." Techno stares at Phil and then at Tommy. Techno put his sword away and set his foot off of Tommy. Techno grabbed Tommy by the collar of his shirt and glared at him.
"Don't anger the voices again Tommy, you understand, you know better," Techno said sternly. He hugged Tommy making sure to be careful to not crush him.

     Techno stood on the hill, blood all over his clothes. He held his father close to him. He had tears in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry Phil, I-It's all my fault, please don't go!" Techno sobbed. Phil stared at Techno with faint, dull distance eyes. "Please, Phil!" Techno sobbed. Techno looked to his left to see Tommy lying still on the ground. He had killed Phil and Tommy they couldn't revive, they were gone forever. It was his fault. "Just wake up please!" Techno screamed at the two dead corpses. Techno felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around. He was faced with Wilbur. Wilbur had a small sad smile on his face. Techno hugged his brother.
"I'm sorry, I killed them, the t-the voice got too loud, t-to impatient I lost control," Techno rambled. Wilbur nodded into the hug.
"I know and I still love you," Wilbur said, "but that's why I got to kill you." Before Techno could react he felt the cold metal of Wilbur's sword go through his back. Techno gasped as Wilbur let him drop to the ground. He saw the people he didn't kill in the distance, doing their own thing. Technoblade knew some would revive but others were officially dead just like him and it was because of him. Techno saw Dream come up from behind Wilbur his smile mask slightly crooked. He seemed to have a slight limp.
"This is the end of you Technoblade," Dream said pulling his mask up. His green eyes showed chaos. Technoblade's vision started going dark as the voices say one thing. "Blood."

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