Techno You'll (Help/Join) Me Right? (Part 1)

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WARNING: Rage attack and sibling argument

Wilbur and Tommy are at war against each other
Set in 2024
Wilbur and Technoblade: 26
Tommy: 20

Technoblade sat in his chair staring at the fire. Ranboo just told him the news. Technoblade couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I'm sorry, I just thought you would want to know," Ranboo said fiddling with his fingers. Techno shook his head resting a gentle hand on Ranboo's shoulder.
"No need for an apology Ranboo," Techno smiled lightly, "thank you for telling me, I appreciate it."
"What are you going to do?" Ranboo asked as Techno stood up.
"I don't know, there both my brothers," Techno responded, "but I must talk to them, both of them."
"Okay, be safe," Ranboo said and Technoblade was on his way.

Techno messaged Tommy asking to meet and so here was Techno standing by what they once called Pogtopia. Technoblade leaned against the mountain, tapping his foot with his arms crossed. "Hey Techno," he heard Tommy's voice. He sounds so different yet so similar. His voice was quieter and deeper now but still had his childish tone to it. His appearance was similar still. He grew a few inches but was still shorter than Technoblade. His hair got a little longer and was in a small ponytail. He had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.
"Hey Toms," Technoblade said softly.
"Why did you want to meet?" He asked a hint of worried in his tone.
"I was told that there was a war going on between you and Will," Techno said. Tommy looks down at the ground.
"Yeah, I didn't want to but Wilbur got crazy and I was scared of him, he wants to destroy the server," Tommy said, tears forming in his eyes. Techno hesitantly pulled Tommy into a hug.
"Shh, I know it's rough, I'm right here," Techno said smoothly.
"I know this is a lot to ask Technoblade but would you," Tommy pulled away rubbing his eyes and calming himself, "would you help me in this war, you don't have to get too involved just help with supplies or something like that, nothing to big." Techno stared at his brother.
"I love you Tommy no matter what but I need to think about it okay," Techno said. Tommy nodded. He wanted to say yes right there but he didn't want to hurt Wilbur, he needed to know both sides and what is going on with Wilbur.
"Let me know," Tommy said as he walks away. Technoblade watched as he did. He considered it. He can help Tommy by helping with food and supplies. He didn't have to fight, he didn't have to fight against his other brother. It was a good option that he might take but he needed to talk to Wilbur.

Technoblade had walked a bit further for Wilbur as they met on the complete other side since Wilbur wasn't welcomed in L'manburg or the DSMP land. "Hey, Technoblade!" Wilbur smiled. Wilbur looked like Wilbur except his face had a crazy look to it. His eyes looked wider and more bloodshot and his smiled look so fake.
"Hey Will," Techno said.
"I was hoping to talk with you," Wilbur said the smile growing a bit.
"About?" Technoblade questioned, raising a brow.
"I want you to join me Technoblade," Wilbur started, "I want you to join me to destroy the whole server."
"You're talking about destroying Tommy Will," Techno said. Wilbur didn't stop smiling. He only chuckled.
"Tommy made his choice Techno," Wilbur said, "you hate government and love destroying things and I'm allowing you to destroy it."
"No, I can't Will."
"And why not? Don't let Tommy stop you."
"Wil." Techno got cut off by Wilbur.
"You would be the perfect weapon to destroy the server." That is where Wilbur crossed the line. It made Technoblade upset. He hated when people only use him as a weapon. And for Wilbur, his brother to say that to him hurt more.
"I'm sorry Wilbur but I can't join you," Technoblade said. That's when Wilbur's smile dropped.
"Then leave," Wilbur said coldly.
"Join Tommy! see if I care!" He yells. Wilbur shoves Technoblade but Techno didn't move he kept his place. "I hope both you and Tommy fail." Wilbur went to slap him but Technoblade grabbed his wrist tightly. Wilbur scoffed yanking his hand out of Technoblade's grip and leaving. Techno stared at Wilbur before turning around and slowly walking back to his house.

Techno sat in a chair his head resting on his hands. He grabbed a book from the coffee table and threw it against the wall and screamed in anger. He was upset and stress out. "Stupid brothers," he muttered. Techno looked at a picture of the three of them that was hung on the wall. He grabbed it off the wall to look at it more. Technoblade and Wilbur were around 12 while Tommy was 6. Techno's eyes went glassy. He set the picture down. War was stirring.

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