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Phil was walking home from a long day of mining. He hoped Wilbur hadn't destroyed the house while he was gone. Phil looked in his bag. Gold, diamonds, and iron were in there. But Phil notice he was a stack short on gold. He looked behind him to see if the gold had fallen out but there wasn't any on the path.
In the distance, a squealing sound echoed through the forest. Phil looked in the direction the squeal came from. There was nothing but a slight shake of a bush. Phil pulled his sword out and slowly walked up to the bush. Phil jumped over the bush to see a piglin. The piglin jumped and stopped what he was doing. Phill looks at the piglin's hands to see his gold. "Hey that's my gold," Phil chuckled. The piglin only looked at him. Phil wondered if he could speak English.
"Can you understand me?" Phil asked, moving to eye level of the piglin. The young pig just stared at his before turning to the gold. Phil looked around to see if he could find any other piglins around but he was in the overworld and the piglins are from the Nether. Phil turn back and the piglin was still admiring the gold.
"Would you give me my gold back please?" Phil talked slowly. The piglin stared at him, blinking slowly and Phil sighed.
"Alright you can keep it, I have to go, you stay safe," Phil said. Knowing better than to fight a piglin for gold rather it was a child or not. Phil started to walk off but felt a weight on his left leg. He looked down at the piglin clinging on to him. Phil wondered if the young pig had a home or not. He thought about taking in the piglin but he didn't know how it would go. Maybe just have him stay for a visit. Phil started walking and the piglin never moved away from him so he kept going.

    "Wilbur I'm home!" Phil yelled. Wilbur ran down with a smile.
"Hi, dad! Who is that," Wilbur said. Phil looked down at the piglin who still clung to his leg.
"Ah, I don't know his name, he can't speak English.
"Oh, uh hi," Wilbur said waving to the pig. The piglin did a small wave back. Wilbur walked up to him.
"I'm Wilbur," Wilbur said pointing to himself. "Wilbur." The piglin just stared.
"Wil-ber." The piglin spoke. Phil looked at him shocked.
"Yes Wilbur and that's Phil," Wilbur nodded.
"F-fil," he said.
"Very good," Wilbur said.
"And you," I asked pointing to him. The piglin stared at me before looking down. Phil gave a sad smile. The poor kid didn't have a name. He needed one and Phil would give him one.
"Technoblade," Phil said pointing to the piglin.
The piglin looked down at himself before pointing.
"Tech-n-no-o-blade," he struggled.
"Yes, yes," Wilbur smiled. The piglin smiled too.
"Gold," Technoblade said pointing to my hair. Phil touched his hair. Maybe that's why the kid followed him. His blonde hair reminded the piglin of gold.
"No this is hair," Phil laughed.
"Gold," Technoblade said stubbornly.

"Techno! Wilbur! I have someone for you to meet," Phil said walking into the house. Technoblade has been with them for a year and a half now. Phil adopted Technoblade after he had told them about his parents. And he has been really into stealing anything gold from Philza and Wilbur. Technoblade and Wilbur ran down, stopping in front of Phil.
"Boys this is Tommy, he is your new baby brother," Phil revealed the bundled-up blankets to show the baby boy. Wilbur smiled and Technoblade stared at the small infant in memorization.
"Would you like to hold him?" Phil asked. Wilbur nodded with a big smile. But Technoblade just stared at Tommy.
"You okay Tech?" Phil asked.
"Gold," Techno said pointing to Tommy's small blonde hairs. Phil chuckled.
"No Technoblade just like mine, it's hair." Techno only shook his head patting Tommy's hair as Wilbur held him. Phil took a picture smiling at his sons.

"Tommy!" Techno yelled which was rare. Tommy came running into the kitchen terrified. Phil looked at the blonde confused as Tommy hid behind Phil. Phil looked at the doorway to see an upset Technoblade with a sword in his hand.
"What is going on?" Phil asked.
"This gremlin broke my pickaxe," Technoblade shouted. Phil frown. He understood why it was bad but Techno usually doesn't get that mad. He usually is just scary calm.
"Okay let's put the sword away," Phil said softly. Technoblade shook his head charging toward Tommy. Phil tried shoving Technoblade back, struggling to keep him away. He was strong as piglins are more stronger than humans. Phil looked at his pink hair son and realized that he didn't have gold. Tommy didn't either. Phil read in studies if Piglins go a long time without gold they get bloodthirsty and more short temper. And if someone around doesn't wear gold they take it as a sign of a threat. Phil quickly grabbed his gold bracelet and put it in front of Techno's eyes. Techno's eyes brighten as he snatched the gold and ran off.
"You owe me a new bracelet," Phil said to his youngest son.
"Can't you get it back from him?" Tommy asked.
"Not unless you want to get killed," Phil laughed.

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